According to the demand of paid transfer and current situation of mine operation Jing Yun county invited bids of zeolite mining title and made successful .
缙云县根据有偿 出让的要求,结合其矿山开发经营现状于今年初将沸石矿采矿 权进行招投标,并取得成功。
A type of acceleration clause requiring full payment of the balance of a mortgage upon the transfer of title of the mortgaged property .
一种加速条款,要求在 转让抵押财产 所有权时,完全偿还抵押贷款余额。
Financial lease means the equipment lease business associated with financing purpose and transfer of title .
融资租赁业务系指与融资目的和 权利 转让有关的设备租赁业务。
That the transfer of the title of woodland should be promoted and the woodland market be opened ;
推进林地使用 权 的 流转,开放林地市场;
Discussions on Problems Related to the Secondary Mining Right Market Transaction ; transfer of title
探矿权、采矿权 的 权利性质与权利 流转二级( 转让)矿业权市场交易过程中有关问题的探讨
The third chapter introduces the current government in the country road naming rights transfer actual operating conditions and use of public property rights theory to understand the practical significance of the road as well as the presence title summed up the existing problems .
第三章主要介绍了当前我国各地方政府在道路冠名权 转让过程中的实际操作情况和用公物产权理论理解道路 冠名存在的实际意义最后总结出了其中存在的问题。
There could also be tax implications since there will be a transfer of title on loans .
同时,也可能牵扯到一些税务问题,因为贷款的 所有权会发生 转移。
The transfer of the beneficial securities shall not be held valid against any third party unless the name or title of the transferee has been recorded on the beneficial securities .
受益证券之 转让,非将受让人之姓名或 名称记载于该受益证券,不得对抗第三人。
During this period the landowner never forgot stressing the integrity of family property and transfer of title and surnames . And the intra-family relationship did not become intimate overwhelmingly during the 17th and 18th centuries .
这一时期,封建主最重视的一直是家产的完整性,以及与之相联系的 头衔和名号的 传承,其家庭内部关系并未在17、18世纪空前密切起来。
The voluntary transfer of something ( title or possession ) from one party to another .
一个团体自愿地 把某物( 权利或财产) 转让给另一个团体。
Risk shall pass to the Purchaser on storage but title shall only pass in accordance with the provisions of the Transfer of Title and Risk Clause .
风险应于存储时转移给买方,而所有权只应根据 “ 所有权与风险 转移”条款的规定进行 转移。
Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the operation of the issue or transfer of any document of title to goods .
但本条并不影响货品 所有权文件的签发或 转让的效用。
However although countries have taken note of the importance of transfer of title in the international trade the time of transfer of ownership is still not unified .
然而,各国虽然都注意到了国际贸易中 所有权 转移的重要性,对所有权转移的时间却不统一,这为后文分析各国对所有权转移时间的规定及讨论其各自的合理性问题作下铺垫。
Whether the conflict exists between transfer of title and pledge / mortgage at the same time ?
所有权 转移和质押/抵押担保的同时存在是否发生冲突?
An Exploration and Analysis of the Publication Method of Real Property Transfer in Roman Law ; change of title
罗马法中不 动产 物权变动公示法分析
The real estate transfer mentioned in these Procedures refers to the act of a real estate right owner of transferring the title of his or her legally owned real estate to other person ( s ) .
本办法所称的房地产 转让,是指房地产 权利人将其依法拥有的房地产转移给他人的行为。
Therefore transfer of title is also impacted by these important factors .
因此, 所有权 转移时间也深受这些重要因素的影响。
Definitely certain common perspective has been reached to some point that is indirect expropriation refers to the government measures with the effect equivalent to direct expropriation without formal transfer of title or outright seizure .
当然,人们还是一定程度上取得了共识,即间接征收是指政府措施没有直接 转移或剥夺投资者的财产 权,但其效果等同于直接征收的情况。
Where the parties agree on a barter transaction involving transfer of title to the subject matters such transaction shall be governed by reference to the relevant provisions governing sales contracts .
第一百七十五条当事人约定易货交易, 转移标的物的 所有权的,参照买卖合同的有关规定。
Transfer of title Freedom is the right of all sentient beings . ( From TransFormers )
所有权 转让, 所有权过户自由是所有生命体的权利。&《变形金刚》
美[trænsˈfɚ ʌv ˈtaɪtl]英[trænsˈfə: ɔv ˈtaitl]