transmission cycle

[trænsˈmɪʃən ˈsaɪkəl][trænzˈmiʃən ˈsaikl]

[计] 传输周期

  • Haemaphysalis bispinosa may play a important role in transmission cycle of Lyme disease .

    二棘血蜱在 传播 莱姆病螺旋体上可能起重要作用。

  • On the financial transmission research we adopt the SVAR model which is widely used for the analysis of international business cycle and analyze the financial transmission effects of U.S. business cycle .

    在金融传导的研究中,我们采用了国际经济周期金融传导研究中最主要的SVAR模型,对美国经济 周期金融 传导效果进行了分析。

  • This shows that the trade of production sharing are at least have the same influence in explaining the cooperatively of the business cycle between the bilateral trade partners and the bilateral trade so it proves that the trade of production sharing affect the transmission of the business cycle .

    这说明生产分享贸易在解释双边贸易伙伴国之间经济周期协同性方面的作用至少与双边贸易的作用相同,从而证明了生产分享贸易对经济 周期 传导作用。

  • West Nile fever and encephalitis caused by West Nile virus ( WNV ) is maintained in a natural transmission cycle involving mosquito vectors and bird reservoir hosts with the fatality of 4 % ~ 11 % .

    西尼罗病毒(West nilevirus,WNV)感染是一种经蚊虫 传播、以鸟类为主要动物宿主的自然疫源性疾病,在临床上可表现为西尼罗热或西尼罗脑炎,病死率4~11%。

  • The multi-cycle noncircular gear have more innovative the transmission is based on the same cycle and difference of a phase angle of fluctuation .

    至于多周期非圆齿轮副更具创新点,它的 变速 传动是基于运动规律为等 周期而相位相差一个相位角的脉动变化。

  • Study on Wear Characteristics of Timing Chain and Transmission Chain of Motor Cycle

    摩托车正时链和 传动链磨损特性的研究

  • A strong meme passes a life circle of four stages which are assimilation retention expression and transmission . The life cycle of the meme and the process of imitation writing have a close relationship .

    模因的生命 周期要经历同化、记忆、表达和 传输四个阶段,这和模仿写作的过程有着密切联系。

  • Finally by MATLAB simulation the improved protocol is more desirable in the amount of data transmission the network life cycle and so on are better than the original leach protocol .

    最后我们通过matlab仿真得出改进后的协议更可取,在网络生命 周期、数据 传输量等性能方面都优于原先的leach协议。

  • To date only domestic poultry are known to have played a role in the transmission cycle of the virus from animals to humans .

    迄今为止,已知只有家禽在病毒从动物 给人类的 传播 循环中发挥作用。

  • Birds can be infected by a variety of routes other than mosquito bites and different species may have different potential for maintaining the transmission cycle .

    除蚊叮外,鸟类还可以通过多种途径感染,但不同物种在维持 传播 循环方面的可能性也各不相同。

  • The virus has a zoonotic transmission cycle between birds and mosquitoes with swine serving as an intermediate amplifier hosts from which infected mosquitoes transmit the virus to humans .

    JEV在鸟与蚊子之间有一个区域性 传播 循环,猪作为中间扩增宿主,带毒蚊子通过叮咬将感染性病毒传播给人。

  • Methods : Gene transduced cells were detected with growth rate scanning electronic microscope transmission electronic microscope cell cycle analysis and the expression of major histocompatibility complex ( MHC ) class ⅰ or ⅱ molecules .

    方法:对基因转导细胞作生长曲线测定、 电镜观察、细胞 周期检测、细胞表面组织相容复合物(MHC)类和类分子表达变化的测定。

  • The role of mosquito vectors in the transmission cycle of West Nile virus

    媒介蚊虫在西尼罗病毒 传播 循环中的作用

  • Objective To confirm existence of Sarcocystis suihominis and possible transmission cycle between human and pigs .

    目的研究确定广西是否存在人? 猪相互感染的肉孢子虫病。

  • Furthermore the existence of soil and vegetation as well as the karst fissures is of good adjusting affects on the transmission and cycle of the groundwater in epi-karst zone so as to be advantageous to the outflow of numerous small springs .

    土壤、植被与地表岩溶裂隙 网络对区内岩溶地下水还具有较好的 调蓄作用,以致使区内有众多的小泉点在地表出露。

  • There is no present evidence that domestic cats play a role in the transmission cycle of H5N1 viruses .

    目前没有证据表明,家猫在H5N1病毒的 传播 中发挥了作用。

  • The Electric Control System of Mechanical Transmission Test-bed With Mechanical Closed Cycle And Electric Colsed Cycle

    机、电封闭 兼用式机械 传动试验台控制系统的研制

  • As a whole using the analytical framework Two-Country and Two-Goods based on the international macroeconomic dynamic theory explores the generation and transmission mechanism of the international business cycle .

    研究世界经济 周期的生成和 传导机制采用国际宏观经济动态理论的两国两商品框架。

  • As the commercial bank credit channel is one of the most important transmission mechanism of the economic cycle in the backdrop of economic fluctuations macroeconomic adjustment impact on the operation of commercial banks was mainly reflected in the amount of credit which varied with the economic cycle .

    由于商业银行的信贷渠道是经济 周期最为重要的 传导机制之一,在我国经济波动的大背景下,宏观经济调整对商业银行经营的影响主要体现在信贷量随经济周期变化而变化。

  • WN virus is maintained in nature in a mosquito-bird-mosquito transmission cycle .

    西尼罗河病毒在自然中以蚊子鸟蚊子 传播 循环而存在下来。

  • Chapter three and four with the measure of qualitative analysis try to explore the generation and transmission mechanism of each international business cycle based on describing the process of each international business cycle in detail .

    第三章和第四章采用定性分析手段,在对每轮世界经济 周期的发生过程详细描述的基础上,发掘各轮世界经济周期的生成和 传导机制。

  • The reason is because during regular commercial project development and construction creation and control of information is difficult which resulting in failure of the project for lacking of information poor transmission in life cycle .

    究其原因是因为常规商业项目开发建设过程中,对于项目建设的管理与控制存在困难,导致项目全生命 周期内因环节不衔接、信息 传递不畅而造成项目开发失败。

  • Study on Wear of Transmission Chain for Motor Cycle with Lubrication

    基于滴油润滑的 摩托车 传动链磨损特性的研究

  • The main purpose of this chapter is to make the people have a deep understanding to the research of transmission of international business cycle synchronization through trade and provide a theoretical basis for the following theoretical and empirical research .

    本章的主要目的是对贸易与国际经济 周期协同性 传导机制的相关研究进行全面把握,也为下面的理论与实证研究提供一个铺垫和理论依据。

  • DSP is responsibility for the calculation of sampling cycle and transmission the cycle value for FPGA .

    DSP负责计算采样周期, 周期值送给FPGA。

  • Reference to fluctuations transmission mechanism in aggregate economic cycle this part rebuilds exogenous shocks and internal transmission mechanism of the food industry examines the impact of exogenous factors on the food industry fluctuations .

    借鉴总量经济 周期波动的冲击与 传导机制理论即外生冲击与内在传导机制,构建了食品行业波动的形成机制,并考察了食品行业的外生冲击因素对食品行业波动的影响。

  • The results indicated that the new design declined center space 20 % and sharply shorten worm transmission accessory stocking cycle which greatly saved raw and processed materials and production cost .

    计算结果表明:新的设计方案使蜗杆传动的中心距下降了20%,能缩短蜗杆 传动零部件的采购 周期,从而节省大量原材料和生产成本。

  • It is generally believed that the international trade is one of important channels for the cross-border transmission of business cycle domestic and foreign scholars have carried out extensive research on the relationship between the strength of trade and international business cycle synchronization .

    一般认为,国际贸易是经济 周期跨国 传导的重要渠道之一,国内外学者已对整体贸易强度与国际经济周期协动性的关系进行了广泛研究。