transaction facility

[trænˈsækʃən fəˈsɪlɪti][trænˈzækʃən fəˈsiliti]

[计] 事务处理设备, 事务处理软件

  • According to the principle the cost of relieving a congested facility allocated to each transaction is proportional to the power flow change on the congested facility caused by the transaction .

    按该原则, 交易所分摊的线路阻塞成本与其在阻塞 线路中引起的潮流变化量成正比。

  • For calling existing unchanged IMS transactions optimized local adapters provide a facility for making calls over IMS Open Transaction Manager Access ( OTMA ) .

    对于调用现有的、未更改的IMS事务来说,优化的本地适配器提供一个 工具,可以通过IMSOpen TransactionManagerAccess(OTMA)进行调用。

  • As an important component in the middleware platform TP monitor provide distributed transaction supporting facility for the whole system .

    作为中间件平台的一个重要组成部分,事务监控器为整个业务系统提供分布式 事务 处理的支持 设施

  • I have deliberately left out quite a few items that would normally be critical for a production-quality service in order to focus on the workings of the transaction management facility .

    我有意地省去了好几个通常对产品级质量的服务很关键的条目,着重于 事务管理 工具的工作。