trial in camera

[ˈtraɪəl ɪn ˈkæmərə][ˈtraiəl in ˈkæmərə]

[法] 秘密审讯

  • His questioners worked on him in relays . The trial was held / The case was heard in camera .

    审讯人员轮流对他进行审讯。那一 审讯不公开那一案件已 秘密审讯]。

  • The trial was held / The case was heard in camera .

    那一 审讯不公开那一案件已 秘密审讯]。

  • But the reality of trial practice in the case of custody of the ashes wedding camera case travel cases such as breach of contract case has supported the demands of compensation for moral damage .

    审判实践, 保管骨灰案、婚礼 摄像案、旅游合同违约案等案件中,却支持了精神损害赔偿的诉求。

  • Over 3.41 million civil cases at the first instance ; The trial was held / The case was heard in camera .

    审理各类一审民事案件341万余件;那一 审讯不公开那一案件已 秘密审讯]。

  • Initially the traitor cases belonged to court-martial which preceded simply and quickly trial in camera without adopting adversarial system .

    最初汉奸案件属军法审判,军法审判程序简单、快捷, 实行公开审理,不适用辩护制度。