trial meeting

[ˈtraɪəl ˈmitɪŋ][ˈtraiəl ˈmi:tiŋ]

[法] 审判大会

  • Based on the mixture ratio design and trial in this paper successfully formulate the high-strength self-compacting concrete of meeting the working performance and strength requirements .

    本文通过配合比的设计和 ,成功配制出 满足工作性能和强度要求的高强自密实混凝土。

  • Construction of the trial networks will allow China to say it is meeting its pledge to have 3G services in place before the 2008 Olympics in Beijing .

    建设 试验网将使中国有理由宣称,它正在 兑现承诺,在北京2008年奥运会前推出3g服务。

  • Trial operation shows the system is advanced and reliable meeting the requirement for locomotive bearing fault diagnosis .

    运行表明:系统先进可靠,能 满足机车轴承故障诊断的需求。

  • A complete analysis of the trial 's results will be reported at an upcoming scientific meeting .

    关于 实验结果的详细分析将在一个即将举行的科学 会议 公布。

  • But the results of the clinical trial first presented at a meeting a year ago showed that the vaccine failed to raise an adequate CD8 + response and it protected only two people .

    但在 年前报告的临床 试验结果表明,该疫苗无法触发足够的CD8+反应,仅有两名志愿者获得免疫。

  • The trial results were presented last week in orlando fla. during a meeting sponsored by the society of neuro-oncology .

    上周在加利福尼亚的奥兰多举行的由神经肿瘤学学会举办的 会议上公布了这一临床 试验结果。

  • Trial operation indicates that the communication module runs reliably meeting the requirements of substation monitoring .

    实验运行表明,通信节点运行可靠, 达到变电站监控的工程目的。