


  • You set the goal of working extra everyday to achieve bigger than life biceps and triceps .

    于是你设定了每天额外运动来获得更大的 肌肉

  • You can follow this by working on smaller muscle groups such as calves biceps triceps and shoulders .

    要锻炼这些部分你可以通过训练肌肉群的方式来完成,例如小腿肌、二头肌、 三头肌、肩部肌肉。

  • Avulsion fracture of brachial triceps failed arm of a triple junction

    肌腱撕脱骨折(三联点 遗弃臂)三联点夭折臂

  • B : I 'm going to work on my chest and triceps .

    我打算练一下胸肌和 三头肌

  • She had to concentrate on flexing her pectoral muscle or the triceps to power the arm .

    为了给手臂提供力量,她不得不用力伸缩她的胸肌或者 三头肌

  • The triceps straighten the elbows .


  • Treatment of Humeral Condylar Fracture for the Elderly by the Triceps into the Way Pairs of Tongue-shaped Flap Plate

    经肱 三头肌舌形瓣入路双钢板治疗老年肱骨髁间骨折

  • Joe : Yes I 'll do it daily and I have to work on my abs and triceps too .

    我知道了,我会每天做!另外我也要训练我的腹肌与 三头肌

  • This is a good exercise for increasing the one rep max because it places added stress on the triceps .

    这种训练给 三头肌额外的压力,对提高最大 力量很有帮助。

  • Chandler : He could be alone . This morning I heard him do push-ups and then talk to his triceps .

    他可能就一个人。今天早上我听见他做俯卧撑,后来还跟他的 三头肌说话。

  • Train Triceps avoid loose flabby upper arm . Improve muscle tone .

    练习 三头肌,防止上臂肌肉松弛。

  • Train pectorals Triceps Frontal deltoids . Develop upper body improve body shape . He has been receiving treatment for a calf strain picked up in the first week of the season .

    练习胸大肌, 三头肌,三角肌前部。发展上肢肌肉,改善形体。他现在正在接受针对小腿肌肉拉伤的治疗。

  • Correlation Analysis between Triceps Brachia Fiber Type and Power Production and Shot Put Performance


  • How does a woman of45 an age at which most ladies banish sleeveless items to the furthest recesses of the wardrobe maintain triceps that would not look out of place on an Olympic athlete ?

    到了45岁这个年龄,大多数女性会把无袖衣服“打入冷宫”,但奥巴马夫人是如何练就她那能与奥运会运动员相媲美的 三头肌的呢?

  • If you exit thumb first your triceps won 't be tightened up which gives you a chance to let your triceps rest during part of the motion .

    如果你的拇指先出水的话,你的 三头肌就不会出于紧张状态,这样就能为你的三头肌提供机会在移臂过程中充分地休息。

  • Fixation treatment of the severe humeral intercondylar fracture by locking titanium plate via improved olecroanon osteotomy and approach of outer margin of triceps brachii muscle to

    改良尺骨鹰嘴劈开、 三头肌外缘入路,锁定钛板固定肱骨髁间粉碎性骨折

  • We 've got intense isolated work in store for you especially in the Chest Triceps Biceps and Shoulders Tracks .

    我们为你设置了多个独立的训练环境,特别是在针对胸部、 、二头和肩部的曲目中。

  • Research on Human Triceps Brachii about the Muscle Architecture the Distribution of Intramuscular Nerves Muscle Spindles and the Nerve-entering Points

    可以在织机的单侧或两侧投梭。人 三头肌肌构筑学、肌内神经分布、肌梭分布和神经入肌定位的研究

  • So next time you take coffee break I want you to think about doing these exercises . And in no time you will get strong abs strong triceps and strong legs .

    我希望以后你工作期间,到下午茶时间就可以做这几个动作,很快,你的腹肌、 三头肌和腿部都会变得很 紧实

  • If you train lets say chest on monday and triceps on tuesday you are officially a gym idiot .

    如果你训练,可以说周一周二和 三头肌胸,你是正式健身房白痴。

  • Greater tuberosity of humerus avulsion fracture of brachial triceps

    肱骨大结节 脱骨折

  • For instance with your arm held out tense your biceps and triceps at the same time and hold for5 to10 seconds .

    例如,伸出手臂,同时拉紧二头肌和 三头肌并保持5到10秒钟。

  • By measuring the skinfold thickness of triceps and subscapular this paper studies the effects of physical exercise on body composition of girls during puberty .

    通过测量 三头肌 和肩胛下角位皮褶厚度,分析身体组成,探讨健身运动对青春期女孩发育的影响。

  • Nonlinear Regression Equation for Arm of Force of Triceps Surae at Ankle Joint

    踝关节 小腿 三头肌力臂非线性回归方程的探讨

  • Comparison of clinical effect of liguliform flap of musculus triceps brachii approach and olecranon osteotomy approach in treatment of intercondylar humeral fractures


  • Well probably I can push up a little more than that right now because I was bench pressing some great weights . The Bench Press targets the pectoral ( chest ) muscles but also makes heavy demands on the triceps and front delts .

    嗯,也许我其实可以比马上接着比赛还要多做几个俯卧撑,因为我卧推的重量实在太累了。卧推主要作用在胸大肌群,不过也会使 跟前三角肌吃不少力。