trial of fact

[ˈtraɪəl ʌv fækt][ˈtraiəl ɔv fækt]

[法] 事实审

  • We should borrow the beneficial experience of western legality-developed countries to establish final judicial examination principle and invoke strict judicial review of administrative action and entrust to judicial organization a resolution power in second instance trial of fact and a full power for investigation and certification .

    我国司法最终审查原则的确立应当借鉴西方法制发达国家的有益经验,对待行政行为实行严格法律审,赋予司法机关 事实 的决断权和充分的调查核实权。

  • The essence of trial is a process of cognition . The purpose of the cognition in litigation is finding out the fact of the case and settling down the disputes in time .

    审判本身是一个认识的过程,诉讼认识的目的,在于查明案件 事实,及时解决纠纷。

  • Trial of Fact and Standard Design in Administrative Litigation

    行政诉讼的 事实 审查及其标准设计

  • The trial of fact and the trial of law is distinguished so as to realize restriction from inferior court to superior court .

    事实 与法律 的区分,实现下级法院对上级法院的有效制约。

  • The law in china does not define the separation system expressly but the Trial Divorce and the phenomenon of the fact the separation have existed in the judicial practice of our country .

    虽然法律没有明确规定别居制度,但在我国司法实践中, 离婚、 事实别居的现象已普遍存在。

  • S. appeals courts take as a given the trial court 's findings of fact and will hear only disputes about the trial judge 's interpretation of legal questions .

    但是在美国,二审法院会接受一 法院已经认定了的 事实,而且只会听你提出的一审法官在法律解释上存在问题。

  • In the civil trial the good use of presumption of fact is of immediate significance for judge to find the facts of the case and stop the conflicts .

    事实推定在民事 审判中的良好运用,对于判断认定案件事实,定纷止争具有重要的现实意义。

  • After the trial the court will directly change the accusation from the procurators if the court found that the accusation was different from the fact found in the court or the application of law was different between court and procurators with the same fact .

    经过 开庭 审理后,如果法院认为检察机关的指控罪名与庭审查明的案件事实不符,或者 事实相同,适用罪名不同时,便直接以不同于起诉罪名的罪名作出判决。