treasury bond

[ˈtrɛʒəri bɑnd][ˈtreʒəri bɔnd]


  • Treasury bond yields do not tumble 35 basis points in the space of a few minutes every morning .

    昨日上午, 美国 国债收益率在短短几分钟内暴跌35个基点。

  • The treasury bond projects in Jiangxi Province enjoy great benefits in economic social and ecologic terms .

    江西省的 国债项目具有巨大的经济、会和生态效益。

  • Empirical Research on quote of fixed income platform and Treasury bond yield

    固定收益平台报价与 国债 收益率曲线实证研究

  • Investors sought long-dated government bonds as insurance against further downward pressure on inflation and global growth prospects with the US 30-year Treasury bond at its lowest yield since August 2012 .

    投资者寻求长期政府债券,视其为应对通胀和全球增长前景进一步下行压力的保险。美国30年期 国债 收益率跌至2012年8月以来的最低水平。

  • Monthly data on Treasury bond purchases seem to indicate Beijing remains a major buyer of US bonds .

    美国 国债买入量的月度数据似乎表明,中国仍是美国债券的一个主要买家。

  • Purchasing data kept the treasury bond market firm which gave a lift to stock .

    持续的买气使 国库券市场 坚,许多股票的股价都上扬了。

  • The Treasury bond market offers a level of liquidity that no one else can match .


  • The higher treasury bond interest rates have pulled up mortgage rates especially since April .


  • Study for Treasury Bond 's Interest Rate Risk of Commercial Banks in China

    我国商业银行 国债利率风险管理研究

  • This paper investigates the optimal investment portfolio with stock defaultable zero-coupon bond treasury bond and money market account when the investor faces default risk .

    研究了投资者面对违约风险时,在由可违约零息债券、股票、 国债及货币市场账户组成的投资组合之间进行最优投资的问题。

  • Development of Interest Rate Term Structure Theories and Empirical Research in China Treasury Bond

    利率期限结构理论的发展与中国 国债 利率 期限 结构的实证研究

  • Since mid-June the yield on the 10 year Treasury bond has fallen by almost half a percentage point .

    自6月中旬以来,10年 美国 国债的收益率下跌近0.5个百分点。

  • It also stressed that the US Treasury bond market would play a vital role in Chinese reserve management because of its liquidity and low transaction costs .

    该机构还强调,美国 国债市场的流动性和低交易成本,意味着它将在中国外汇储备管理中扮演关键角色。

  • But because China earns so many US dollars for its exports and through direct investment it has little choice but to recycle them into the large and liquid US Treasury bond market .

    但是,因为在出口和直接投资中赚回这么多美元,中国除了让美元流回规模庞大、流动性强的美国 国债市场之外,基本上别无选择。

  • US equity futures were firmer the dollar weakened and Treasury bond prices rose after the report was released .

    就业报告发布后,美国股指期货走强,美元走弱,而 美国 国债价格上涨。

  • International Comparative Research on the Construction of Treasury Bond Yield Curves & To Establish Commercial Bank 's RMB Yield Curves

    国债 收益率曲线构建的国际比较研究&兼论商业银行人民币收益率曲线的构建

  • The move signals a shift in the approach of US markets regulators to the dominance by Chicago of US Treasury bond futures contracts among the most widely used exchange-traded derivatives .

    此举标志着,美国市场监管机构对芝加哥主导美国 国债期货合约交易业务的态度出现了转变。美国 国债期货合约是使用最广泛的交易所交易衍生产品之一。

  • At present the development of government bond markets consisting of treasury bond and municipal bond should be attached great importance to .

    目前,特别应重视开拓由 国债和市政债券构成的政府债券市场。

  • The dollar leapt over the past week while 10-year Treasury bond yields soared .

    过去一周,美元汇率飙升,10年期 美国 国债收益率亦大幅上涨。

  • Hope this essay not only helps development in our Treasury bond market but also makes contribution in our economic development .

    希望能为我国 国债市场发展有所帮助,使我国的国债市场能更好地为国民经济做出贡献。

  • But the average yield on a 3-year treasury bond is currently 0.375 % .

    但3年 美国 国债的平均收益率目前为0.375%。

  • Bond prices also jumped driving the yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury bond to its largest one-day decline since October .

    债券价格也出现暴涨,促使10年 基准 债券的收益率达到了自去年10月以来的最大单日跌幅。

  • Most important is the Treasury bond market .

    最重要的是 美国 国债市场。

  • In recent decades whenever a bank has made a loan to a hedge fund or cuts a deal with another bank this is typically backed by collateral such as a mortgage-backed security or treasury bond .

    最近数十年,每当一家银行向对冲基金发放贷款,或与另一家银行达成交易,通常都有抵押品作为担保,例如抵押贷款支持证券(mbs)或 国债

  • The continuing downward pressure on US Treasury bond yields indicates a degree of caution in the air .

    美国 长期 国债收益率的持续下行压力表明,市场中已经有了一丝谨慎的情绪。

  • US equities fell sharply and treasury bond prices rose as the likely failure of the budget deal added more uncertainty to persistent worries in the eurozone .

    美国股市大幅下挫, 国债价格上涨,预算协议有可能落败,为欧元区挥之不去的担忧添加了更多的不确定性。

  • It demonstrates the conspiracy between bourse and inter-bank treasury bond market has not occurred . Thus the combination condition of this two market is not mature .

    表明我国证券交易所国债市场和银行间 国债市场趋同性还没有产生,合并条件并不成熟。