tree structures


  • Lines within your tree can provide a greater visual effect and make larger tree structures easier to read .

    在树形视图中的线条可提供较好的可视效果,且使得大的 树形 结构易读。

  • To see how this works think of XML documents as tree structures where the nesting of elements define branches of the tree .

    要了解这一过程的工作原理,请将XML文档考虑成 结构,其中元素的嵌套定义了树的分支。

  • Advances in Research on the Relationship between Climatic Variation and Tree Ring Structures

    气候变化与 树木年轮 结构关系研究进展

  • A variant of TAN using rough sets theory is presented and their tree classifier structures which can be thought of as a selective restricted trees Bayesian classifier are compared .

    基于基本粗糙集合理论中属性不精确或部分依赖 关系的定义,提出了一种新的选择性受限树 贝叶斯网络 分类器

  • It is verified by the experiment results that this key tree structure is better than other key tree structures based on member updating probabilities and the bounds of this structure 's average updating cost are analyzed .

    实验结果表明这种密钥树结构要优于其它基于组成员更新概率的密钥 结构,同时理论分析给出了这种结构的平均更新代价的取值范围。

  • Creating cross-browser compatible tree structures tabbed panes split panes popup menus etc is time consuming and at the same time can be best done by an experienced Javascript / DHTML programmer .

    创建跨浏览器兼容的 结构、标签面板、分隔面板、弹出菜单等等是耗时的工作,同时这些工作最好是由有经验的Javascript/DHTML程序员来完成。

  • The tree structures and the statistic features related with the structure including RGB components and HSV bins are used in learning and classification .

    讨论了几种不同迭代神经网络模型的分类器以及通过结构反传的 结构的学习流程。

  • The extremal points are another important identifier for spatial characteristics of linear features and then this paper proposes a new method of morphing for two linear features based on their BLG-tree ( Binary Line Generalization Tree ) structures .

    极值点是反映线状要素空间几何的另一重要特征。为此,论文提出了一种基于BLG (BinaryLineGeneralization Tree结构特征的线状要素Morphing变换方法。

  • But active patterns are not exclusively for working with tree like structures .

    但是活动模式不仅仅用于 树形 结构

  • The d-ary tree structures are paramount in the implementation of hierarchical group key management for the Internet multicasting security .

    d叉 数据 结构与算法在互联网多播安全的层次化组密钥管理的实现中是极其重要的。

  • RIST uses tree structures as the basic unit of query to avoid expensive join operations .

    RIST采用 结构作为查询的基本单元,从而避免了代价高昂的连接操作。

  • Based on multiobjective optimization Genetic Programming is not only provides a means of controlling size of tree structures used in the search process but also presented as a tool for optimization results with higher precision .

    该方法不仅提供了一种在随机搜索过程中有效控制 结构长度的方法,而且产生精度更高的最优结果。

  • A class of tree structures induced from s I ~ m J

    一类由S(i,j)~m导出的 结构

  • Design of d-ary Tree Structures for Group Key Management

    组密钥管理中的d叉 数据 结构设计

  • Tree structures and general main module designing


  • This allows a stylesheet to be applicable to a wide class of documents that have similar source tree structures .

    这会使得一个样式单能够广泛适用于一类具有相似“源 结构”的文档。

  • The requirement to magnify the view in order to read specific details introduces the same loss of visual context mentioned above in our discussion of large tree structures .

    为了可以阅读特定的细节而扩大浏览范围的需求说明我们在之前所提到当要看大形 树形 结构时会遗漏掉一些视觉内容的形情。

  • A Method for Encoding XML-based Tree Structures and Measuring Structural Similarity

    基于XML的 结构编码及结构相似性匹配方法

  • The results show that terrain features extracted by the UDT model and JLT methods are more complete and possess tree structures than using the former Delaunay triangulation method .

    结果表明:与传统Delaunay三角网方法相比,利用联合Delaunay三角网和三角形局域连接方法能自动提取更完整的具有 结构的地形特征线。

  • Through constructing tree structures and sequential neighbor lists to select routing nodes nodes communicate with each other in manner of multihop .

    通过构建以汇聚节点为根节点的 树状 结构,且每个节点维护一个有序邻居列表的方法选择路由,以多跳的方式实现网络节点的通信。

  • XML documents are tree structures .

    XML文档是 树形 结构

  • In the practical applications of genetic algorithm ( GA ) a lot of problems can be described as tree structures .

    在遗传算法(GA)的实际应用中,许多问题都可以采用 结构描述。

  • This thesis analyses the classification the data-source storing method of different kinds of tree structures in the product-oriented CAPP system and studies the pattern of the constructing trees .

    研究面向产品CAPP系统中各种 结构的分类、树 结构数据来源的存储方式及树的构建范式;

  • We can highly increase the extensibility and scalability and reliability of universal user management system by using the capacity of the tree structures of LDAP and the immediate response to the large-scale access and the wide-ranging replication .

    通过利用LDAP的 树状信息 结构、快速响应大容量访问和广泛复制的能力,可以充分提高统一用户管理系统的可扩展性、可靠性和可伸缩性。

  • The Tree - Structures for Three-Dimensional Ternary Cellular Arrays

    三维三值胞腔阵列的 结构

  • In BDT model the splitting and pruning is substituted by sampling both are intuitive and flexible and different tree structures and recursive partition schemes are considered so as to increase the accuracy rate of classification .

    BDT模型以抽样代替拆分与剪枝操作,既直观又灵活,同时在抽样时考虑了不同的 结构与递归分割方案,使得分类准确率得以提高。

  • Simultaneously in order to obtain the diversity of tree structures We coupled Monte Carlo procedure with a classification tree algorithm and skillfully constructed a novel tree kernel by using the fuzzy pruning strategy and ensemble strategy .

    同时为得到 结构多种多样的 ,我们将蒙特卡洛方法耦合到分类树算法中,通过使用fuzzy修剪和集成策略,巧妙地构造了一种新颖的树核。

  • But these tree structures lack any kind of event handling model and therefore can 't meet the requirements of a highly interactive tree widget .

    但是这种 结构缺乏任何类型的事件处理模型,因此不适合高交互性的树窗口部件的要求。