treaty of Versailles

[ˈtriti ʌv vɚˈsaɪ][ˈtri:ti ɔv vɛəˈsai]

[法] 凡尔赛和约

  • In only one place does the Treaty of Versailles mention intelligence agencies .

    凡尔赛 条约只有一处提到情报机构。

  • The Treaty of Versailles imposed on Germany formalized the Allied victory .

    强加于德国的《 凡尔 条约 正式宣告协约国的胜利。

  • The Treaty of Versailles created more problems than it solved . ' Comment on the validity of this statement .

    凡尔赛 条约所造成的问题多于其所解决的。」试评论此说能否成立。

  • The treaty written into the Treaty of Versailles established that Monegasque policy would be aligned with French political military and economic interests .

    该条约被写进 凡尔赛 公约,规定了摩纳哥的政策必须与法国的政治、军事、经济利益一致。

  • According to the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 the Saar an important German industrial base should be governed by the League of Nations for 15 years and its future would be decided by a plebiscite .

    根据 凡尔赛 和约 ,德国的重要工业基地萨尔划归国联管理15年,期满后将通过全民投票的方式决定萨尔的归属。

  • Both gravitated early to the centre of political events . In 1919 Keynes was negotiating the Treaty of Versailles ; Schumpeter was Austrian minister of finance .

    进入了政治事件的中心:1919年,凯恩斯参与了凡尔赛和约( Treaty of Versailles)的谈判;熊彼特则是奥地利财政部长。

  • The Treaty of Versailles was signed right here in this room .

    凡尔赛 条约 就是在这间屋子里签订的。

  • The International Labour Organization was also created under the Treaty of Versailles as an affiliated agency of the League .

    国际劳工组织被在 凡尔赛的作为一个联盟的联合代理机构的 条约下面也建立。

  • The disarmament clauses of the Treaty of Versailles were not openly violated .

    凡尔赛 和约 关于 废除军备的条款没有遭到公开的破坏。

  • Part of Germany was incorporated into Poland according to the Treaty of Versailles .

    依照 凡尔赛 条约德国的部分地区 领土 w_307被并入波兰。