treaty series

[ˈtriti ˈsɪriz][ˈtri:ti ˈsiəri:z]


  • Consolidated Index to the League of Nations Treaty Series

    国际联盟 条约 汇编总索引

  • The signing of Treaty of Nanking in 1842 and a series of other unequal treaties later objectively facilitated the prosperity of the Chinese translation of the Bible .

    从1842年起, 中英南京 条约 等一 系列不平等条约签订之后,外国传教士享有在华传教和译经的自由,这在客观上促使《圣经》中译进入鼎盛期。

  • Article 81 of EC Treaty and a series of block exemptions Commission Notices and Guidelines on the applicability of Article 81 made the exemption law system .

    欧共体 条约 第81条及一 系列的成批豁免条例、委员会通告及指南构建了欧共体竞争法豁免制度体系。

  • In order to effectively prevent the spread of Nuclear Weapons international community has formed the nuclear non-proliferation regime with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons at its core through a series of treaties .

    为了有效地防止核武器的扩散,国际社会通过一 系列条约逐渐形成了以《不扩散核武器 条约 为核心的国际核不扩散体制。

  • In 1902 China and Grate Britain revised a commercial treaty which was one of a series of commercial treaty revisions in Qing Period .

    1902年中英修订 商约,是近代英国多次逼迫清政府修订条约中的一次。

  • Shanxi with its abundant coal resources which are coveted by British after a few years the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki the British gradually through a series of unequal treaties plunder mine rights Shanxi lost the exploitation of mine rights .

    而此时的山西,其丰厚的煤炭资源被英国觊觎已久,在《马关 条约 签订后的几年时间里,英国逐步通过一 系列不平等条约掠夺矿权,导致山西丧失了开采矿山的权利。

  • In light of the unequal treaty series after the Second Opium War the Western Christian churches flooded into Shandong by building churches recruiting followers and undertaking sermons health care education and so on there .

    第二次鸦片战争后, 依恃不平等 条约,西方基督教教会纷纷涌入山东。传教士们在山东建教堂、发展教徒,从事布道、医疗卫生、教育等活动。

  • By the Opium War after signing as Nanjing Treaty and a series of unequal treaties the Western colonialists gained a lot of interests in China which is the Western missionary activity cleared the obstacles .

    而到了鸦片战争之后,随着《南京 条约》等一 系列不平等条约的签订,西方殖民者获得了很多的在华利益,这就为西方的传教活动扫清了障碍。