The triad of divinities of later Hinduism . he talked eruditely about Indian mythology .
后来印度教的 三神一体。他滔滔不绝地谈起印地安人的神话。
In fact the triad of perfectionism pessimism and discouragement is a familiar precursor to and accompaniment of clinical depression .
事实上,完美、悲观和灰心这 三者,乃临床抑郁症之先兆及伴随 症兆。
It may signal what psychologists call the dark triad of psychopathic narcissistic and Machiavellian personality disorders .
它可能揭示出的是被心理学家们称之为的心理变态、自恋和权谋人格障碍的‘黑暗 三 合一’。
The CIA triad is a widely used information assurance ( IA ) model that identifies confidentiality integrity and availability as the fundamental security characteristics of all information systems .
CIA 三部曲是广泛使用的信息保证(InformationAssurance,IA)模型,此模型将保密性、完整性和可用性定义为所有信息系统的基础安全特征。
Fine Mapping Study on Disease Locus in a Follicular Occlusion Triad Pedigree
毛囊闭锁 三联 征一家系致病基因精细定位研究
The first inversion of a triad has the original third at the bottom .
三 和弦第一转位是将原第三 音置于底部。
Web-Based Study on Diagnostic Triad for Meningitis
基于网络数据库的脑膜炎诊断 三联 征研究
This is the second requirement of the security triad .
这是安全性的 三 个需求中的第二个。
For each entity there is a triad of associated elements : events states and lifecycle .
每个实体都又包含 3 个关联元素:事件、状态和生命周期。
Diagnosis is based on a clinical triad .
本病诊断取决于临床上的 三 征。
With WS-Security you can selectively implement each of the requirements of the security triad such that one or all of them are addressed in your solution .
通过使用Web服务安全性(WS-Security),您可以有选择地实现安全性的 三 个 需求中的每个需求,这样就能够在您的解决方案中就实现它们当中的一个或全部。
The security triad covered in this article comprises : ( a ) authentication b ) data integrity and ( c ) data confidentiality .
在本文中涉及的安全性的 三 个 需求包括:(a)验证(authentication)、(b)数据完整性(dataintegrity)和(c)数据机密性(data confidentiality)。
The second inversion of a triad has the original top note at the bottom .
三 和弦第二转位是将原最上面的音置于底部。
gangs known as the Triads .
称作“ 三合会 ”的帮派
But your being a triad boss .
不过,身为 三合会 的 龙头。
The triad that bears his name is the association of hiatal hernia gallbladder disease and diverticulosis .
以他名字命名的 三联 征是联合存在食道裂孔疝、胆囊疾病和憩室。
This triad of requirements code and test constitutes an important feedback mechanism in software development .
这种需求、代码和测试 三位一体 的 组成构成了软件开发中一种重要的反馈机制。
This coordinate system is called the triad at the point .
这个坐标系叫做该点的 三 面 形坐标系。
The female athlete triad syndrome includes three interrelated components of a serious nature : disordered eating amenorrhea and osteoporosis .
“女运动员 三联征”包括了相互联系的三个征象,即进食障碍、闭经和早发骨质疏松。
The energy pattern of the Triad is around release healing and reconstruction .
这 三 合一的能量模式主要是与释放、疗愈和重建相关。
The method is suitable for dipole triad loop triad or dipole-triad-plus-loop-triad and can estimate both DOA and polarization .
该方法适应完备的电磁矢量传感器、三偶极子或三 磁环构成的矢量传感器。
For the faculty there exists the triad of responsibilities : teaching research and service .
教员要承担 三 重责任:教学、研究与服务。
Standard major triad with the input set as the root .
标准的 大调 三 和 音,输入设为基础 音。
The pathological liver tissue were resected by using portal triad clamping in the two groups .
两组患者均采用 阻断 第一肝门方法行病变肝脏切除术。
So think of this as a triad of love co-creation and balance .
所以想到去 试着爱,创造,和平衡。
Tonic mediant and dominant together form the tonic triad .
主音,中音和属音一同构成主音 三 和弦。
美[ˈtraɪˌæd, -əd]英[ˈtraɪæd]