trial jury

[ˈtraɪəl ˈdʒʊri][ˈtraiəl ˈdʒuəri]


  • The right to trial by jury in most cases .

    大多数案件,均有受 陪审 审判的权利。

  • You were afforded a full and fair trial by a jury of your peers .

    你仍在你的同胞 组成 陪审 面前接受了完全和公正的 审判

  • The powers and functions of the federal grand jury differ from those of the federal trial jury which is called the petit jury .

    联邦大陪审团的权力和职能与那些被称作小陪审团的联邦 初审 陪审 是不同的。

  • Historically jury of Anglo-Britain is the source of modern jury system which comprises two branches : grand jury and petit jury or presentment jury and trial jury .

    从历史的角度看,盎格鲁不列颠的陪审团是现代 陪审制度的源泉。

  • If the Grand Jury indicts the individual the individual has the right to a speedy trial by jury where the state would have to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt .

    第七、如果大陪审团指控某人犯罪,则此人有权获得由 陪审 审判的快速 审判权,在这中间须由有关州来证明该案件超出了合理怀疑。

  • The right to trial by jury is entrenched in our legal system .

    陪审 审判的权利在我们的法律制度是牢不可破的。

  • Information that was not shared with jurors has triggered some of the biggest fireworks so far in the trial which kicked off with jury selection Monday and testimony Tuesday and Friday .

    一些没有与陪审员分享的信息引发了本 开庭以来的最大争议。本 上周一进行了 陪审 的选任,周二和周五进入证人举证环节。

  • Most decision-making advice is political in the broadest sense of the word-how best to outfox a trial prosecutor sway a jury win support from shareholders or woo alienated voters by shuffling a political coalition and making legislative concessions .

    多数做决定的建议极具广泛的政治性:比如怎样做才能用最好的方法胜诉 原告,动摇 陪审 ,赢得股东支持,通过政治联盟改组以及立法让步拉选票。

  • The former has a good professional knowledge of the professional judges who judge the general public for the layman such as the common law jury trial civil law jury and other people in our country .

    前者为具有良好专业素养的专业法官,后者为外行普通市民法官,英美法系中如英国的 陪审团成员、大陆法系中如我国的人民 陪审 等。

  • Trial by jury is a fundamental right .

    陪审 审判是一项基本权利。

  • For depriving us in many cases of the benefits of Trial by Jury .

    在许多案件中剥夺我们在 司法上享有“ 陪审 ”的利益;

  • Sure enough at the close of the trial the jury declared him guilty of manslaughter .

    果不其然,在 审判结束时 陪审 宣布其故意杀人罪名成立。

  • In criminal trial by jury the judge passes sentence but the jury decided the issue of guilt or innocence .

    在由 陪审 进行的刑事 审判中,法官判刑,但陪审团决定是否有罪。

  • There won 't be a trial or a jury .

    不会经过 审判陪审 开庭

  • A verdict entered by the court in a jury trial without consideration by the jury .

    陪审时没有考虑 陪审 的建议而由法庭做出的裁定。

  • If a jury has been demanded the first order of business at trial will be to impanel the jury .

    如果陪审员被要求了,事务第一等级在 试验将是列于陪审名单 陪审

  • The trial or petit jury of12 persons is used in trials of common law both criminal and civil except where the right to a jury trial is waived by consent of all parties at law .

    对12人的 审判或小 陪审 是在共同使用的法律,刑事和民事审判,除非对陪审团审判的权利在法律上是由各方同意豁免。

  • He said Moussaoui got a fair trial and the jury spared his life which is something that he evidently wasn 't willing to do for innocent American citizens .

    这是一个公正的 审判陪审 宽恕了他的生命。这是穆沙维对许多无辜的美国人所不愿意做的。

  • The boy 's had a fair trial with a judge and a jury .

    会有法官和 陪审 来进行一场公平的 审判的。

  • Demands that the right to trial by jury be abolished brought vigorous protests .

    废除 陪审 审判权的要求引起了强烈的抗议。

  • For depriving us in many cases of the benefits of trial by jury ;

    在许多案件中剥夺我们享有 陪审 的权益;

  • But lead prosecutor Gary Cobb said the trial was fair and that the jury had made its decision based on the evidence presented in court not on the basis of politics .

    但是首席检查官加里.科布说,这 审判是公正的, 陪审 是根据法庭出示的证据做出的结论而并非出于政治目的。

  • He chose to stand trial by jury .

    专业英语他选择了 陪审 审判

  • The criminal 's complacency during the trial angered the jury .

    犯人在 受审时的得意忘形激怒了 陪审

  • He had a fair trial and the jury found him guilty .

    罪有应得 法庭判处他有罪。

  • After a trial with judges and a jury .

    在法官和 审讯后。