

  • On the Hydrodynamic Driving Conditions of the Gas Field in-place Water in the Trias Marine Bed of Sichuan Basin and Their Control of the Distribution of Water Resources

    论四川盆地海相 三叠系气田地层水水动力驱动条件及对水资源分布的控制

  • The Sedimentary Facies and Environment Evolvement in the Forepart of Late Trias in Longdong Area Ordos Basin

    鄂尔多斯盆地陇东地区晚 三叠纪早期沉积相及沉积环境演化

  • Ground brine of Trias is widely distributed in Sichuan Basin Which has fine quality and fantastic industrial values . It is the earliest exploited brine resource of our country .

    四川盆地 三叠系地下卤水分布广泛,品质优良,是我国开采利用最早,工业价值 最高的卤水资源。

  • According to the research and the parallel prediction of favorable petroleum belts it is clear that the saline side tectonic belt of Trias in Tahe is the favorable oil gas tectonic belts .

    根据此次研究认识,对 克库勒 凸起上的有利含油气带进行对比预测,认为塔河油田盐 覆盖 边缘有利含油气构造带。

  • The sedimentary tectonic setting during Mesozoic was mainly the continental island arc and in Trias & Jurassic sometimes was the stable-passive continental margin . And in the period of early Cretaceous the setting was more active sometimes with the characteristic of the active continental margin .

    3中生代时期,构造环境复杂,大陆岛弧型为主, 三叠纪&侏罗纪期间处于转型期,兼有稳定的被动大陆边缘型特征,早白垩世兼有活动大陆边缘型特征,构造环境更为活化。

  • Elasticity model explained sedimentation mechanism from the Trias in the southern margin of Junggar foreland basin . The basin subsidence range lie on structural load and lithosphere flexibility rigidity .

    弹性 挠曲模型 较好地解释了准噶尔盆地南缘前陆盆地 三叠纪 以来的沉降机理,盆地沉降的幅度主要取决于构造负载和岩石圈的 挠刚度。

  • Study on Palaeomagnetism and Salt Formation Conditions of the Stratum of Lower-Middle Trias Series ( T_1j-T_2j ) of Sichuan Basin

    四川盆 地下中三 统盐系地层古地磁研究与成盐条件有关问题探讨

  • Through the age analysis on apatite and zircon fission track there have five stages of tectonic movements respectively occurred in late Trias from mid-late period in early Cretaceous to late Cretaceous Eocene Oligocene and Miocene .

    通过对 盆地内磷灰石和锆石年龄分析,焉耆 盆地存在5期构造运动:晚 、早白垩世中晚期-晚白垩世、始新世、渐新世和中新世。

  • Thirdly it formed fracture combination in Permian Trias Jurassic and Cretaceous strata effected by the compression-strike-slip structure superposed and rebuilt process .

    受喜山期挤压走滑构造作用的叠加改造,在二叠系 三叠系侏罗系白垩系中形成的裂缝组合。

  • On the Formation of Groundwater in the Lower-Middle Trias Series ( T_1j-T_2L ) of Sichuan Basin

    论四川盆地下中 叠统(T 1j-T2L)地下水的形成

  • Sediment cover consists of Trias Jurassic Tertiary and Qaternary but Jurassic is the mainly exploited stratum .

    盆地沉积盖层由中生界 三叠系、侏罗系、新生界第三系、第四系组成,侏罗系是其主要勘探目的层。

  • Late trias the up-and-down configurations of Ordovician weathered crust peak are high on the west-north and low on the east-south oil-gas moved to west-north .


  • Study on Sulfur Isotopes of Trias Marine Deposit Gypsum and Brines in the Sichuan Basin

    四川盆地 三叠纪海相沉积石膏和卤水的硫同位素研究

  • After recovery the cold energy of Trias refrigeration system is used to dehydrate regenerated gas again to meet the natural gas transportation standard and retrieve the economic loss .

    改造后的工艺 充分 合理利用 三叠系制冷系统的冷量对再生气进行制冷,满足外输气的质量标准,挽回了损失。

  • The Ordos basin is a multi-gyration oil-gas bearing basin whose subsidence is stable depression is various and twist is distinct . The basin is a large terrestrial lake during the late Trias .

    鄂尔多斯盆地,是一个稳定沉降、坳陷迁移、扭动明显的多旋回沉积型克拉通类含油气 合盆地。

  • Conclusion Three phases were partitioned on the Mesozoic Yanqi Basin evolvement : foreland basin phase in Middle-Late Trias extensional phase in Jurassic-Early Cretaceous and extruded-raised phase in Late Cretaceous .

    结论焉耆盆地中生代的演化可分为 中晚 前陆盆地阶段、侏罗纪&早白垩世的伸展阶段和晚白垩世的挤压抬升阶段3个阶段。

  • The 3 ~ ( rd ) depression of Ordos basin came about under the Yanshan movement after the Trias Jura & Jurassic and the center gradually move to the west which lead to a huge anisomerous syncline of widely slow eastern side and precipitously narrow west .

    鄂尔多斯盆地在燕山运动作用下使 内发生了 三叠系和侏罗系后的第三次拗陷,沉降中心不断西移,形成一个东翼宽缓、西翼陡窄的不对称巨型台向斜。

  • There was a terrestrial facies lake basin in study area and mainly developed clastic rock during the late Trias .

    研究区晚 三叠系为陆相湖盆沉积,以发育陆源碎屑岩系为主。

  • The south-north crust in Qiangtang basin has been shortening successively since Indosinian movement and respectively its shortening ratios are 38 % at Trias 24 % ~ 26.3 % at Jurassic 17.47 % ~ 19.2 % at Tertiary .

    盆地自印支运动以来SN向地壳缩短具递减性,地壳缩短率分别为上 为38%、侏罗系为 24%-26.3%,第三系为17.47%-19.2%。

  • The Characteristics of Sediment-Diagenesis of Yanchang Series in Trias in the Western Edge of Ordos Basin

    鄂尔多斯盆地西缘 三叠系延长统沉积&成岩特征及有利区块预测

  • Trias is the principal producing formation in Tahe Oil Field which has a high degree of exploration and research .

    三叠系 勘探 起步 较早,勘探和研究程度较高, 目前是塔河油田的主力产层。

  • Study on the Hydrochemical Characteristics of Exceptional Water Sites and Estimation of Potassium Salts in the Lower-Middle Trias Series of Sichuan Basin

    四川盆地下中 异常水点水化学特征及 钾预测研究