


  • You can belong to more than one tribe .


  • Do I belong to a clan or tribe ?

    我是不是一个宗族或者 部落 成员

  • The US Government gave the land to the tribe in perpetuity .

    美国政府将这块土地永久性划拨给该 部族

  • Divisions of race and religion and tribe were settled through the sword and the clash of armies .

    种族、宗教和 部落的四分五裂通过刀光剑影和兵戎相见成为定局。

  • Originally tribes exchanged with tribe through the respective chiefs of the gentes ;

    起初是部落和 部落之间通过各自的氏族首长来进行交换;

  • a map of Maryland marked with the names of Indian tribes .

    标有印第安 部落名称的马里兰州地图

  • The world has been rough with you with your tribe .

    世界对你们和你们的 民族粗暴残忍。

  • One of two basic subdivisions of a tribe .

    一个 部落中两个基本部分的一个。

  • And then I will erect crosses enough for you and your mongrel tribe .

    然后我会为你和你的杂种 部落制做足够的十字架。

  • A sacred site might be a mountain that is of some significance to a tribe .

    对一个 部落有重大意义的一座山峰可能就是一处圣地。

  • the particularly unpleasant tribe who argue over the splitting of restaurant and bar bills .

    为分摊 吃喝账单而争吵的令人非常讨厌的家伙

  • This is a small tribe found in warm-temperate forests .

    这是在暖温带森林发现的一个小的 部落

  • Until recently this remote tribe had little contact with the outside world .

    这个边远的 部落直到最近和外界几乎都没有什么联系。

  • This article mainly studied and discussed the Mongolian Tribe related questions .

    本文主要研究和讨论了蒙古 部落的相关问题。

  • Many of the tribe 's customs and rituals are as old as the hills .


  • This is my tribe . they 're not losers .

    这是我的 部落,他们不是失败者。

  • His intercession could be of help to the tribe

    他的调解可能会帮上该 部落的忙。

  • The valley is inhabited by the Dani tribe .

    山谷里居住着达尼 部落

  • Different tribe the Pimas fought on the side of the white man .

    搞错 部落了,皮马族是和白人并肩作战的。

  • A unique tribe and its culture face new challenges from the outside world .

    一个奇特的 部落和它的文化面临外来新挑战。

  • One tribe played tricks on the other one .

    一个 部落对另一个 部落玩起了诡计。

  • They saw life in the raw among those wild tribe .

    他们在那些原始 部落中看到了未开化的生活。

  • We ask about his tribe who is responsible from his family .

    我们询问了他家族 控制之下的 部落

  • When a tribe encounters civilization the first things to get trampled underfoot are the religious beliefs of the tribe .

    当一个 部落遭遇文明,首先被践踏脚下的是该部落的宗教信仰。

  • This epic extolled the founder of this primitive tribe .

    这部史诗歌颂了这个原始 部落的创始人。

  • A division of the tribe or of the gens into different classes was equally impossible .

    同样, 部落和氏族分为不同的阶级也是不可能的。

  • The tribe had died out centuries before .


  • Name one American Indian tribe in the United States .

    请说出一个美国印第安人 部落的名字。