trauma accidental

[ˈtraʊmə ˌæksɪˈdɛntl][ˈtraʊmə ˌæksiˈdentl]

[医] 意外伤,偶伤

  • Conclusions Trauma leads to posterior urethral injuries which is mainly cause in children the secondary important cause is anus-rectum operation accidental injury which can result the posterior urethral injury in infant .

    结论 外伤是造成小儿后尿道损伤的主要原因,肛门直肠手术 误伤是造成婴幼儿后尿道损伤的重要原因;

  • Conclusions With the increase of vehicles and current personnel the trauma of abdominal organs caused by traffic accident accidental wound and conflict increases accordingly .

    结论随着车辆和流动人员的逐年增加,交通伤、 意外伤及斗殴等引起的腹部 创伤也逐年增多。

  • 16 cases including lienectomy after acute trauma and autopsy after sudden accidental death were collected as normal control group .

    选取健康人因急性 外伤脾切除与突发 意外死亡行尸检的脾脏标本16例,作为正常对照组。