trap door

[træp dɔr][træp dɔ:]


  • The bird is usually lowered through a trap door in the floor of the cabin after the takeoff .

    飞行器通常都是在起飞以后通过座舱底部的一个 活动 放下去的。

  • As I sat staring at the candle and smoking I heard a slight noise under the trap door behind my back .

    我一边吸烟,一边在那里呆看放在桌 的蜡烛 ,忽而听见梯子口上起了 响动

  • If a man keeps his trap shut the world will beat a path to his door .

    如果有人 画地为牢把他自己关起来,世界就会开一条道来到他

  • The trick is to visualize very intently the subtle body escaping through the trap door of the brain .

    非常专心致志窍门显现,精微的身体从大脑 顶门逃逸出来。

  • T-Bag leads Michael Lincoln Sucre and Bellickto the trap door at The Gate offices .

    西奥多领着迈可、林肯、苏克雷和巴利克进入了Gate公司办公室里的 活门

  • Nancy knew she 'd be a sitting duck when she raised the trap door .

    南希明白,只要一 打开 天窗,她马上就会成为受攻击的目标。

  • He prayed & 'for a trap door to appear ' he says .

    他说当时自己祈祷着地 能出现一道

  • She crept to the hole caught Toto by the ear and dragged him into the room again afterward closing the trap door so that no more accidents could happen .

    于是她爬到了地洞门口,伸手揪住了托托伸在外面的耳朵,一下子把它拉了回来,然后她重新把 活板 关好,以防再发生这样的事情。

  • When ready simply hold the trap with the door facing away from you and open the door .

    当现金,只是用 支撑 圈套面对远离你而且打开门。

  • Suppose standing on the bridge next to the fat man I didn 't have to push him suppose he was standing over a trap door that I could open by turning a steering wheel like that .

    假设我站在桥上,旁边有个胖子,我没有去推他,假设他站在一个 活动 ,我只要转动转盘,就像这样。

  • In one corner a ladder went up to an open trap door .

    角落里有一道梯子,通往上面敞开的 活板

  • Curious investigators ; a trap door that made me curious .

    好学的研究者;会上下 活动 使我惊奇不已。

  • I dropped a logic bomb through the trap door .

    我从 后门放进一个逻辑炸弹。

  • I stumbled past the boxes of polished wood and velvet feeling like I had fallen through a trap door into an Edgar Allen Poe story .

    我磕磕碰碰地穿行在经木头和天鹅绒刨光的棺 ,感觉像是触动了 机关,跌入了爱伦·坡的小说中。

  • Adults enter their room through a trap door and the children 's unit comes with a pint-sized doorway and is loaded with tree toys .

    在这里,成人要从活动 天窗进屋,而小孩子住的地方 很小,里面还有树木玩具。

  • And all that we know is he uses a trap door .

    我们都知道他用的是 地板 活门

  • It was reached by a trap door in the middle of the floor from which a ladder led down into the small dark hole .

    洞口的上边 了一个能够 活动 小门,揭开这个 就能够沿着梯子下到这个漆黑的防风洞里。

  • The sewer entrance is through the trap door just up the street .

    下水道的入口刚好在街道上的地面 阀门中。

  • Make sure the food is hard to get so the cat has to go into the trap as far as possible and will trip the trap without being injured as the door closes .

    确定食物是困难拿,因此 当门关的时候,猫必须尽可能遥远地进入圈套而且将会不需要受伤就跌倒 圈套

  • Trap door structure pop up structure and assemblage of listric thrust dragged anticline and dragged syncline are most favorable to the accumulation of oil and gas .


  • Entering through a window to avoid the likely booby trap they approached the front door from inside and found attached to it the expected explosive charge set to go off when the door was moved .

    英兵担心 落入 陷阱,从窗口爬进房子,走近 前门,发觉 后果然系炸药,安排好门一动就会爆炸。

  • When external magnet approaches the sensing head the iron platform trap door in the shell body of the sensing head will rotate the silver junction and output a group of switching signal .

    当外磁体接近传感头时,传感 头壳体内铁翻板转动银点接通输出一组开关信号。

  • When the mini-computer receives the message the buzzer goes off and Toby comes running over and sits beneath a tube under his feeder contraption . Then the motor comes to life and pulls open a trap door which releases a serving of food .

    一旦微处理器接收到信息,蜂鸣器就会嗡嗡作响,托比听到声音后奔过来,坐在喂食器装置下方的管道边等着。发动机开始工作,狗粮 储存仓下面的活动 就会打开。