

n.(女子的)披肩长发,秀丽长发(女子的)一绺长发( tress的名词复数 )(女子的)披肩长发

  • While the early spring wind tosses her hair about Wang takes off her gloves to adjust her tresses before continuing to sort the garbage .

    早春的风吹乱了 王凤琴的头发,她摘下手套整理了一下 ,然后又戴上了 活儿的手套。

  • King Louis XIV was particularly known for wearing a wig with rich wavy tresses that were the envy of all the land probably .

    国王路易十四尤以戴假的 发而著名,整个 国家的所有人都羡慕 茂密的波浪形

  • Before the golden tresses of the dead .

    当时死者的金发 墓冢

  • She donned large black-framed glasses and a matching woollen beanie over her cropped greeny-brown tresses .

    她戴着很大的黑框眼镜,搭配羊毛无檐 小帽,帽下是绿棕色的短发。

  • With the enjoy the sight of flower young plant and propagation organ were the main plants with quarantine disease pests then were fruit and fruit tresses the rates of intercept and capture were 36.5 % and 13.5 % respectively .

    携带检疫性病害的 寄主植物主要以观赏性花卉、苗木及繁殖器官传播的 病害 最多,占 36.5%,其次为水果及 制品,为13.5%和10.4%。

  • And now they were hers but the tresses that should have adorned the coveted adornments were gone .

    现在,这 一切 居然属于她了,可惜那有资格佩戴这 垂涎已久的装饰品的 美丽 已无影无踪了。

  • Halle Berry 's sculpted jawline was chosen as the ideal way to shape a face while though not a cosmetic procedure option the image was finished with the blonde gently curling tresses of country singer Taylor Swift .

    哈莉贝瑞颇具造型的下颌轮廓被认为最能勾勒脸型。最理想女性形象还拥有乡村歌手泰勒斯威夫 特金黄色的轻柔卷发,尽管这尚未成为整容手术的一个选择。

  • For The Amazing Spider-Man Emma had to abandon her signature red tresses to return to blonde her natural color .

    为了这部《神奇蜘蛛侠》(TheAmazing Spider-Man),艾玛不得不将她 标志性的 红发 本来的金色。

  • Darkness hidden in your tresses *

    ‘黑暗隐藏在你的 里’

  • The analytical method of tresses around holes analysis of composite layers with loaded holes

    复合材料层板有载孔 孔边 分析的解析方法

  • People native to the Indian subcontinent have coarse textured tresses while Middle Eastern populations have strong hair .

    印度次大陆人的头发粗且 ;中东人的头发都很结实;

  • Lastly she arrived at the tresses and felt a qualm of disgust .

    最后,她看到提到 头发 一句,心里觉得一阵恶心。

  • We are accustomed to hear this king described as a rude and boisterous tyrant ; but with the gentleness of a lover he adorns the tresses of Summer .

    我们常听人 冬天描写成一个粗莽 狂烈的暴君:其实它正用情人似的 轻巧 手脚夏天装饰着 呢。

  • Her thick long hair had been partly removed at the beginning of her illness and now she wore it simply combed in its natural tresses over her temples and neck .

    她那厚厚的长发在她初病时曾剪去一点,现在她简单地梳梳,听其自然地 在她的鬓角和颈子上。

  • She pined away sitting all day long upon the cold ground with her unbound tresses streaming over her shoulders .

    她憔悴了,整日坐在冰冷的土地上, 无心 梳洗听任 满头 乱发 披散着。

  • Let garlands of sad yew Adorn your dainty golden tresses .

    让那紫杉木花环,装饰你 秀美 卷发

  • They like to run their fingers through heavy tresses .

    他们喜欢将手指穿 厚实的 发丝

  • The leaves and tresses of the tree were lighted by the sunshine appeared different depths brightness and colors showing livingness just like the bright-color oil paintings by Monet .

    树上的叶片和 枝条被照出深浅不同的亮点和色调,显得颇有生机。是莫奈画中那种阳光下的色彩斑斓。