

[化] 三唑酮,三唑二甲酮,粉锈宁

  • The methods that determine triadimefon residues by using gas chromatography and pretreatment of sample were studied . Lower Extent Purification Method was compared with column chromatography for N & P detector and electron capture detector · Rate of recovery of the methods was within 80-120 % .

    本文研究了 小麦 土壤 粉锈宁残留量的气相色谱检测与样品预处理方法,比较了样品低程度纯化与柱层析纯化方法在氮磷检测器和电子捕获检测器上的应用。

  • Effects of Triadimefon on Activities of Three Antioxidant Enzymes in Detached Leaves of Vicia faba


  • Study of Reducing Sugar and Free Amino Acid Contents in Seedling Leaves of Triadimefon Treated Wheat Seeds


  • Which indicated that the adsorption of triadimefon in soil increased with the decreasing of pH values .

    和34.36%( pH3.5), 淋溶 迁移能力减弱,说明 在土壤中的吸附量随pH值的降低而增加,在土壤中的 移动 能力减弱。

  • Toxicity of Triadimefon to fungi on leaves of broad bean


  • Preliminary research on Triadimefon as a seed dressing for controling epidemics of yellow rust of Wheat


  • ~ ( 14 ) C tracer analysis and gas chromatography were used to study the residual and degradation characteristic of triadimefon in wheat and soil .

    用~(14)C同位素示踪法和气相色谱法研究了 粉锈宁 农药 施用后在小麦和土壤中的残留降解规律。

  • Determination of triadimefon residues in grain by electron capture detector

    电子捕获检测器测定粮食中 残留量

  • Triadimefon could inhibit the increase of peroxide ( POD ) activity and H 2O 2 content in different degree .

    与此同时 能不同程度地抑制过氧化物酶(POD)活性升高和H2O2的 累积

  • Triadimefon belongs to pesticides of easy degradation .

    消解速率来 评价 无论甘蓝上, 还是 土壤中都属于易降解农药。

  • The results showed that grain yield test weight and flour yield increase wet gluten content decrease by spraying Triadimefon in the later growth stage .

    结果表明,在小麦生长中后期,喷洒 粉锈宁可以提高籽粒产量,提高籽粒容重和出粉率,降低湿面筋含量。

  • Through instrument detection and experimental analysis we systematically studied the photochemical degradation of triadimefon and rogor and obtained the following results : 1 .

    通过仪器检测和实验分析,系统地研究了 和乐果的光降解反应。

  • Study on Adsorption and Degradation of Triadimefon in Soil


  • Effect of seed coating treatment with triadimefon on the distribution of Acid Phosphatase ( APase ) in wheat seedlings was investigated using the techniques of electron microscopy and cytochemistry .

    本文利用电子显微镜和酶细胞化学技术就 种衣剂包衣处理对小麦幼苗内酸性磷酸酶(APase)分布的影响进行了研究。

  • Triadimefon is a known potent inhibitor of ergosterol biosynthesis in yeasts and fungi and belongs to the phenoxy-triazolyl-methane .

    是苯氧基 唑基甲烷类的化合物,它是酵母和真菌的麦角甾醇生物合成的一种强抑制剂。

  • Efficacy of urea - fluorosilicate and Triadimefon mixture on wheat powdery mildew control

    氟硅脲与 粉锈宁混用防治小麦白粉病的研究

  • Be the insecticide disinfectant herbicide representative with the fenvalerate triadimefon atrazine respectively carried on the study to three kinds of agrochemical table quantitative analysis .

    以氰戊菊酯、 和莠去津分别作为杀虫剂、杀菌剂、除草剂的代表,对三类农药的色谱定量分析进行了探讨。

  • Triadimefon had lower inhibition its relative toxicity was20.6 times of thiophanate-methyl .

    再次为 ,毒力仅为甲基硫菌灵的 20.6倍;

  • Carmazine and Agricultural Streptomycin can make as preferred potion for soft rot control while Triadimefon for rust disease .

    代森锰锌和农用链霉素可作为为细菌性软腐病田间防治的首选药剂, 可作为锈病田间防治的首选药剂。

  • Effect of Seed Soaking with Triadimefon on Seed Germination and seedling growth of Maize


  • Effects of ergosterol biosynthesis-inhibiting fungicide Triadimefon on the development of Venturia inaequalis on apple leaves the main component of sterol is clionasterol .

    甾醇生物合成抑制剂 粉锈宁对苹果黑星病菌发育的影响(英文)甾醇主要为穿贝海绵甾醇。

  • First we investigated the surface morphology of Ustilago maydis in the air and the effect of triadimefon on Ustilago maydis .

    首先观测玉米黑粉菌在空气中的形貌,同时研究了 对玉米黑粉菌形貌的影响。

  • The control effects of spraying 15 % triadimefon wettable powder are excellent .

    喷洒15% 粉锈宁可湿性粉剂防治效果明显。

  • The results can provide a reference for developing new mechanism of fungicide and further researching mechanism of resistance of wheat powdery mildew to triadimefon .

    此结果可为开发新的作用机制的杀菌剂,和进一步研究小麦白粉菌对 产生抗药性的机理提供理论依据。

  • Especially the decomposition values of omethoate and triadimefon of the mixture were 42.85 % and 59.2 % respectively .

    特别是混剂中的氧乐果和 的分解率很高,分别是42.85%和59.2%。

  • Studies on the Application of Triadimefon for Control of Grass Rust


  • Determination of triadimefon in blood of poisoning patients by GC
