The death penalty trial procedures of China include the first trial procedure the appellate procedure and the review procedure .
我国死刑案件审理程序包括死刑案件的一 审 程序、二审程序和死刑复核程序,三者是一个统一的有机整体。
Whether the trial procedure to the people 's court is legal to carry on supervision .
对于人民法院的 审判 活动是否合法进行监督。
As a special newly put up trial procedure the simple criminal procedure still needs constantly improving .
但作为新设立的特别 审判 程序,刑事简易程序尚需不断完善。
Criminal trial procedure of our country is operating under a unitary system for a long time . Conviction and sentencing are carrying out in a same court trial with no special section for investigation and debate .
长期以来,我国刑事 审判 程序均以一元制形式运行,定罪、量刑在同一庭审程序中进行,且没有专门针对量刑的调查、辩论环节。
Justice and Efficiency & The Two Objectives of China 's Criminal Trial Procedure Reform
公正和效率&我国刑事 审判 程序改革的两个目标
The procedure for judicial review of death sentence is a special trial procedure of the Criminal Procedure Law in China .
死刑复核程序是我国刑事诉讼法规定的特殊 审判 程序。
Trial justice should include the trial entity justice and trial procedure justice the two are unified .
审判公正应包括审判实体公正和 审判 程序公正,是二者的统一。
The paper will focus on trial procedure justice in the criminal field .
本文研究的是刑事领域中的 审判 程序公正问题。
Complete pleading is for the discovery of evidence and laid a good foundation and the trial procedure smoothly .
完备的诉答程序为证据开示,乃至整个 庭审 程序的顺利进行奠定了良好的基础。
The trial procedure and mechanism concern directly the trial values-fairness justice and efficiency .
法院的 审判 程序和审判机制直接关系到审判价值&公正和效率的实现。
This dissertation put emphasis on the analysis of the trial procedure of the crime of spy during the expounding about common judicial procedures .
本文在讲述一般司法程序时,重点分析“ 奸细”罪的 处置 程序。
However there are many flaws in the trial procedure legalization of the death penalty in our country .
我国的死刑 案件 审判 程序正当化方面存在着诸多缺陷。
PART TWO TRIAL PROCEDURE Chapter XII Ordinary Procedure of First Instance Section 1 Bringing a Lawsuit and Entertaining a Case
第二编 审判 程序第十二章第一审普通程序第一节起诉和受理
Besides Japan has set up brief process summary trial procedure and immediate judgment process .
日本设置了刑事命令程序、简易 审判 程序和即决裁判程序。
A Case of Public Prosecution of Criminal Summary Trial Procedure and Perfect
论刑事公诉案件简易 审理 程序 的 适用及其完善
Separating mediation from trial procedure ;
调解与 审判相分离;
Review And Proposal For The Criminal Trial Procedure Of China ( I )
中国刑事 审判 程序的检讨与建议(上)
It has the following legal characteristics : first criminal discretion is generated during the criminal trial procedure .
它具有以下法律特征:第一,法官刑事自由裁量权产生于刑事 诉讼 过程中。
Procedural justice must be located in the goal which the Procedure to be achieved in order to guarantee judicial activities to achieve the unity of procedural justice and entity justice . Third the paper describes the international standard of trial procedure justice rule .
必须将程序公正定位在程序中要实现的目标中,才能保证审判活动实现程序公正和实体公正的统一。第三,文章介绍了 审判 程序公正规则的国际标准。
Adjudication supervision ensures the legitimacy and fairness of the trial procedure to the judicial authority .
审判监督是国家对司法机关的 审判 活动的合法性、公正性进行的监督。
But the appearing in court rate of witness in our country is very low in judicial practice which influences the smooth of the trial procedure of people 's court seriously .
然而,在司法实践中我国的证人出庭率很低,严重影响了人民法院 审判 活动的顺利进行。
Analysis About Reform Of Criminal Trial Procedure Under The Policy Of Temper Justice With Mercy
宽严相济视野下刑事 审判 程序改革的省思
The judge shall examine evidences whatever in pretrial or court trial procedure the difference being the degree and range of examination . All this further proves that the idea which the defaulter loses the case with not appearance is wrong .
无论是审前的缺席审判还是 庭审中的缺席 审判,法官都要对证据进行审查,只是审查的范围和程度有所差异,这进一步证明了缺席就败诉的观点是错误的。
On the Legislative Selection of Establishing Prompt Civil Trial Procedure in China
论我国建立民事诉讼快速 审判 程序的立法选择
CHAPTER XI Litigation Costs Part Two Trial Procedure
第十一章 诉讼费用
E. trial procedure of adversary system mismatches pretrial procedure of inquisitorial system .
在职权主义的审前程序之上建立的对抗制的 审判 程序无法达到目的的根本原因,在于审前程序与审判程序之间的错位。
Trial procedure is the steps and ways that competent authorities try a case .
审判 程序是审判机关处理案件程式和方法。
On Trial Procedure and System in Our Country
略论我国的 审判 程序和制度
In Chapter Five it mainly deals with the Criminal Check Procedure and Trial Procedure .
第五章主要论述了申诉复查程序和 再审 审理 程序。
美[ˈtraɪəl prəˈsidʒɚ]英[ˈtraiəl prəˈsi:dʒə]