The companies think this tribalism is a source of strength .
这些日本公司认为,这种 家族 主义是一种力量的源泉。
Nationalism with its unfortunate patriotism is really a glorified form an ennobled form of tribalism .
民族主义,以及它不幸的爱国主义,实际上是一种被美化,被高尚化的 部落 文化。
Before the household responsibility system the herdsmen have lived gregarious life in the collectively owned pasture by Tribalism or Commune .
在家庭联产承包责任制前,牧民以 部落或公社为 基本 单位,在集体所有的草场上过着群居的游牧生活。
A candidate who ran against the old politics of tribalism and insider-ism will have to grapple with the fact that Washington 's power is in the hands of his own party .
一个与旧政治党同伐异的 部落 主义和圈内人 主义对着干的候选人将不得不与这样一个事实来抗争&华盛顿的大权现在掌握在民主党(他自己的党)的手中。
TX impact of the tribalism factor on the building of nation-states in black Africa
部族 主义因素对黑非洲民族国家建设的影响
His argument was that multi-party systems encourage tribalism .
他的论点是多党制会助长 集团 主义。
In some senses Afghanistan has a slightly better claim to exist as a nation : after all elites in Kabul have been trying to create a centralised bureaucracy for more than two centuries even in the face of entrenched tribalism .
从某种意义上讲,阿富汗以国家形式存在的理由还略微充分一些:毕竟,200多年来,喀布尔的精英们一直在试图建立一套中央集权的官僚体制,哪怕是面对根深蒂固的 部落 习性。
Rather than retreat into tribalism they can continue to be part of a nation rooted not just in history and culture but a common destiny which over three centuries has served all so well .
与其退回 部落 主义,他们可以继续做 联合 王国的一部分,这个国家不仅根源于历史和文化,还根源于三个多世纪以来带给所有人福祉的共同目标。
As individualism has grown stronger political tribalism has weakened .
随着 人们日益注重个性,政治上的 部落 意识 日益弱化。
the evils of tribalism disunity and disintegration .
宗族 主义、内讧和分裂的危害
Taiwan aborigines are the earliest exploiters in Taiwan . Since thousands year ago they have been living there peacefully inheriting the ancient tribalism traditions and form their own unique cultural systems separately .
台湾原住民是台湾岛最早的开拓者,几千年来,他们遗世独立, 与世无争,沿袭着古老的 部落 氏族 制度,形成了各具特色的文化系统。
Apartheid used tribalism as the basis of its ' divide-and-rule ' homeland policies .
南非种族隔离制将 部落 制度作为其对国土“分而治之”的政策基础。
Therefore how to deal with the influence of tribalism on politics and form normal and modern politics becomes an important issue .
怎样克服 部族 主义对现代政治体制的影响,实现政治正常化和现代化是 尼日利亚 面对的重要议题。