This problem cannot treat as the same different school and professional requirement are different .
这个问题不可 一概而论,不同的学校和专业要求不一样。
Quite frankly for a killer disease like TB the pressure to treat as many people as possible with limited resources means that the hardest to reach may be the last ones reached .
坦率地说,对于像结核病这类杀手,由于资源有限,而又要需要 治疗 尽可能多的人,结果,最难覆盖的人可能往往是最后达及的人。
Unlike the residential market which the authorities treat as a social issue the government will likely take the view that cavalier developers who built more than the market can needs will have to live with the consequences .
有关部门通常 将住宅地产 看做一个社会问题,但对于商业地产来说,政府将可能会认为,那些满不在乎的房地产商需要自己承担建造市场不需要的地产的后果。
A cup of coffee is becoming an increasingly luxurious treat as wholesale prices soar to their highest levels in a decade leading companies and coffee chains to put prices up with unprecedented speed .
由于咖啡批发价格飙升至10年来最高水平,导致企业和咖啡连锁店纷纷以前所未有的速度上调价格,一杯咖啡正成为日益奢侈的 享受。
The treatment of sudden deafness must be emphasize to treat as soon as possible and use Glucocorticoids . Prognosis was not well in patients with vertigo .
突发性耳聋的治疗应强调 尽早 施治及糖皮质激素的应用,伴发眩晕者预后不佳。
I treat as it in my life the most precious thing even if I afterward also had received many schoolmates and the cousins gave me gifts .
我 把它 当作我一生中最宝贵的东西,即使我后来还收到了很多同学和表姐妹送给我的礼物。
He felt it was most politic to treat as of the lightest importance .
他认为最策略的办法是摆出一副 若无其事的样子。
Housing is hard to treat as a national market .
我们很难 将住房市场 看作 是一个全国性的市场。
Low medical fees also mean that hospitals must treat as many patients as possible to stay profitable .
医疗费用低也意味着,医院为了盈利,必须 尽可能多地 接诊患者。
I know this might come to you as a surprise but please do accept it in good faith and treat as a matter of urgency with utmost confidentiality .
我知道这可能会对你作为一个惊喜,但请接受它,并真诚地 对待一件紧急的以最大限度的机密性。
Create a new Type Tree for the incoming messages from the REST client which you will treat as binary ( also known as non-XML ) .
为来自REST客户端的消息(将 看作二进制,也称为非XML)创建一个新的TypeTree。
To make into treat as or give the character of an institution to .
制度化使成为机构, 按机构 对待,赋予机构的特点。
Do not treat as warnings as errors .
不 将警告 视为错误。
Scene is hollow it is you want a thing that oneself are Lothario to treat as !
色是空就是你要 把自己是色狼的事 当做没有!
Don 't treat me as like w_2465 a child .
不要 把我 当小孩看待。
You too are in for a magnificent treat as you begin your own journey of consciousness .
你也一样,是一个宏伟的 对待你,你的意识开始自己的旅程。
Treat as the status of food preservative nowadays .
摘要 论述 当今食品防腐剂状况。
Following is a list of warnings that you might want to treat as errors .
下面列出了可能要 视 为错误的警告。
In this language you wish to treat as delimiters but otherwise ignore spaces tabs carriage returns and newlines .
在该语言中,您希望将空格、跳格、回车和换行 作为分隔符 处理,而不是将其忽略。
Generally speaking female should get the same treat as male .
来说,女性应该相同的 对待男性。
The revetment is made up of many single permeable tetrahedrons and has much gap so the group of permeable tetrahedrons can be treat as the porous media with large porosity .
四面体透水框架群是由很多单个四面体框架抛投而成,具有很大的空隙,因而,可以 将框架群 看成由很多框架杆件和大的孔隙组成的大孔隙率多孔介质。
What that colon is saying is I 'm about to begin a sequence of instructions that I want to treat as a block .
这个冒号的意思是,下面的一系列的指令,要 当做一整块来 对待。
What was a food or drink treat as a child ?
小的时候有啥好吃好 喝的?
Select the characters you want to treat as identical in a nonspecific search .
请选择在非特定搜索 中视 为等同的字符。
Well it 's the feed throat . It 's the zone most extruder manufacturers do not treat as a barrel zone .
它就是喂料口,许多挤出机制造商不 把它 当做机筒区。
The school strives to treat pupils as individuals and to help each one to achieve their full potential
学校力求 对每一个学生因材施教,帮助他们充分发挥其潜力。
About tariff non-registered members'guests can 't be treat as the registered members'guests .
不记名会员嘉宾不 享受会员嘉宾待遇。
Otherwise just treat as an unclassified extension element and use a DOM representation .
否则, 将 它 作为一个未分类扩展元素,并使用一个DOM表示。
美[trit æz]英[tri:t æz]