The gecko has a patagium that allows it to parachute or glide down from its treetop home .
这种壁虎拥有 翼膜,可以让自己从 树 顶的巢降落或滑翔下去。
The squirrel was excellent in climbing until he developed frustration in the flying class where his teacher made him start from the ground up instead of from the treetop down .
松鼠这个攀登健将,突然有一 天在飞行班级中遭受了一次挫折,他的老师要求他从地面向上而不是 平时 那种从 树稍向下 自由自在 的 跳跃。
The status of the time-related concentration accumulation and distribution of HMs in apple plant was as follows : the concentration of Cd & Cu in root and stem was at peak at the time of blooming of vernal treetop .
重金属在苹果植株内积累分布随时间的动态变化:根系和 一年生枝中积累的镉、铜含量在春 梢 停 长期最高,其他时期较 低;
The tortuous moon is hanging on the treetop likes a little sickle .
月儿弯弯挂 树梢,好像一把小镰刀。
As the wind rushed through the treetop making the plastic wings flutter and flap it looked so real
风吹过 树梢时,那 只 白头鹫的一 双塑料翅膀会拍打着 翩然 起飞,看起来那么逼真
Treetop generates parse trees automatically but allows the user to customize the generated nodes by adding methods
The primary mission for the treetop hugging WZ-10 is battlefield interdiction eliminating the enemy ground fixed and mobile forces and concurrently certain air combat ability .
贴 树梢飞行的 WZ-10的主要任务是战场屏障、消灭敌人的固定及移动目标,还包括一定的空战能力。
Dropping the TreeTop orange on the way to the picnic .
野餐的路上放弃了 树 上的橙。
The result indicates that key stages include the growth stage of late autumn treetop 、 bud differentiation stage and anthesis stage and that key climate factors are temperature precipitation rainfall days and sunlight time .
结果表明:气候条件影响 广西 地区 龙眼 产量的关键时期为晚秋 梢生长期、花芽分化期和开花 座 果期,关键气候因子分别为气温、雨量、雨日和日照时数。
All they heard was the wind whispering through the treetops .
他们听到的只有风 吹过 树梢的飒飒声。
Thereupon it finds a treetop falling behind .
于是,它找到一 枝 树梢落下。
A localized irrigation experiment with traveling pipe was designed to study the effects of survival diameter and length of fresh treetop of four psammophytics on interval of two irrigations and irrigations times .
对4种沙丘定植沙生植物在移动式局部灌溉条件下的灌水间隔、灌水次数对植被的成活率、新 稍直径、新 稍长度等的影响进行了试验研究。
In total the resort has29 Beach casitas 4 Treetop casitas 5 Hillside casitas and2 Deluxe Hillside casitas .
整个度假村拥有29个海滩度假小屋、4个 树 顶小屋、5个山边小屋和2个豪华山坡小屋。
On the morning of February 6 1952 25-year-old Princess Elizabeth woke early having spent the night with her dashing husband Philip on a treetop platform at a Kenyan game lodge .
1952年2月6日清晨,25岁的伊丽莎白公主很早就醒来了。 前一晚,她与 气质不凡的丈夫菲利普下榻在肯尼亚一个 游猎场的 树 顶小屋。
And the leafs wavering on the treetop like a peacock spreading its tail or a fair girl to invite visitors coming hers .
再看 那椰叶,在 那 高 高 的 椰树 梢 上,如同开屏的孔雀、 含情的少女,亭亭玉立,向游人发出永远的邀请!
It was the most romantic treetop view I ever saw .
这绝对是我所见过最浪漫的 树梢景观。
There were high white poplars on the roadside the gray and green leafs on the treetop of the white poplars shook in the wind .
路边是高高的白杨树,在 簌簌的寒风中, 树梢 上 有些灰色和绿色的树叶摇动着。
If may I would rather oneself is a bird may fly over the long and trying journey anchors in front of your window treetop .
如果可以,我情愿自己是一只小鸟,可以飞越万水千山,停泊在你窗前的 树梢。