tree topology

[tri təˈpɑlədʒi][tri: təˈpɔlədʒi]


  • Based on our tree topology multi-agent system we give the protocols with relative parameters .

    基于这种 描述给出了 MAS系统通信用协议和相关参数。

  • Include the establishment of processes of cluster tree topology network distributed network address allocation self-healing routing algorithm .

    包括对网络建立流程、 拓扑网络的建立、分布式网络地址分配、自愈路由算法等进行了深入讨论。

  • First a new key tree topology comprised of main tree and join tree is put forward .

    首先给出了一个包含主树和加入树的新型 树形 结构

  • In this system we have completed the WSN networking of the star topology and the cluster tree topology . At the same time the process of routing data in cluster tree has been carefully studied .

    在本系统中,我们完成了星型网络和簇 网络两种 拓扑 结构的无线传感器网络的组网工作,并对簇树形网络的路由数据过程进行了仔细研究。

  • A new clock routing algorithm is proposed which synthesizes top down and bottom up clock tree topology generation algorithms . This algorithm aims at minimum clock delay and total wire length and utilizes legitimate skew to construct a clock tree .

    提出了一种新的时钟布线算法,它综合了top-down和bottom-up两种时钟 拓扑产生方法,以最小时钟延时和总线长为目标,并把合理偏差应用到时钟树的构造中。

  • This paper classifies Internet information service mode systemically and gives the example per information service mode on the tree topology multi-Agent system .

    文章对Internet上信息服务模式进行了系统的分类,并且举例说明了每种服务模式在 树形 拓扑多Agent系统上的运行方式。

  • Being different from TCP / IP network Service-unit based network architecture adopts several novel QoS mechanisms which contain enhanced tree topology unified type of data classification QoS partial route and resource reservation in virtual circuit establishment traffic shaping .

    服务元网络体系结构采用改进 网络 拓扑 结构,统一对数据类型进行划分,使用QoS区域路由方式转发数据,通过通信量整形彻底解决拥塞问题。

  • Enhanced the Security Performance of Backbone Network Practically by using the Tree Star Topology Structure

    采用 树状星型 拓朴结构切实提高骨干网络安全性能

  • Tree topology and SCFL circuits are used because of the higher speed compared to static CMOS and the robustness against common-mode disturbances .

    这里使用 结构源极耦合场效应管逻辑(SCFL)电路实现,因为电流逻辑抗干扰能力强,具有比静态CMOS逻辑更高的速度。

  • For each threshold level use the neighbor joining tree topology inference algorithm to estimate the appropriate topology and then use the maximum likelihood method to calculate the maximum likelihood function value of the topology .

    对于门限的每一个等级,分别利用一般叶子节点加入 拓扑估计算法估计出相应的拓扑,利用最大似然方法计算出该拓扑的似然函数上界值。

  • This paper presents a new decoding algorithm of unequal error protection ( UEP ) code which is called tree topology .

    提出一种新的不等保护分组码译码算法& 树状 算法。

  • Ethernet Passive Optical Network ( EPON ) is a point to multiple-point optical access network which uses the tree topology configuration to supply multi-service transition with Ethernet signal form .

    以太网无源光网络(EPON)是一个点到多点的光接入网,利用无源光网络的 拓扑结构,采用以太网信号方式来完成多种业务的传输。

  • In the structure of the transmission networks we use a hybrid P2P tree network topology to effectively reduce the pressure on the central server the network load the transmission delay and to improve real-time transmission .

    在传输覆盖网结构上,使用混合P2P 树形网络 拓扑,有效降低了中心服务器的压力,也减轻了网络负载,减少了传输延迟,提高了传输的实时性。

  • It is designed to operate on the tree topology prevalent in the wide - band .

    该协议的设计适用于 拓扑 结构的宽带 网络,且支持的距离从 控端到客户端可达160公里。

  • A new routing algorithm called congestion link shared elimination ( CLSE ) which is based on different multicast session and adjusts the multicast tree topology is proposed . It can eliminate all congestion links shared in a finite number of iterations .

    根据共享拥塞链路的不同特点,提出了一种新的基于组播会话流而改变组播 拓扑 结构的应用层组播 生成算法,消除组播树中的共享拥塞链路。

  • A tree topology is used in the process of server behavior abstract description consequently generates historical profile with different security related data . Anomaly behaviors among operations are detected through orderly merge and verification with Apriori algorithm based on general sequential pattern ( GSP ) .

    在模型中引入了 拓扑 结构,为服务器端的正常行为建模,用不同的安全相关数据生成历史轮廓,通过有序归并和基于通用序列模式(GSP)的Apriori验证发现异常行为。

  • The packet distribution algorithm reduces the amount of packet duplication by exploiting the optical multicasting abili-ty of the hybrid PON backhaul and achieves the perfect data content synchronization by utilizing the centralized control ability of the tree topology .

    数据包分发算法则利用了混合PON回程线路的光多播能力以降低数据包复制量,并运用 树形 拓扑的集中式控制能力以实现完美的数据内容同步。

  • Multi-federation system based on tree - topology

    基于 拓扑 结构的多联邦系统

  • At last introduces the characteristics of the transmission system and propose the long-chain tree topology for wireless sensor networks .

    最后介绍了传输系统的特点,引出了长链 树状 拓扑 结构的无线传感器网络。

  • This paper designs and realizes prototype system of tree topology multi-agent system ( TTMAS ) .

    该文以人工智能领域中黑板模型结构和消息传送 结构作为多Agent系统的基本通信 结构,对 树形 拓扑的多Agent原型系统进行了研究与构造。

  • PON ( passive optical network ) technology is one of the most popular technology of broadband access network in recent years . Using tree topology it provides high-bandwidth capability for transporting Ethernet services analog video services and TDM services .

    无源光网络是当今宽带接入网领域中最为热门的技术之一,其 拓扑可以实现以太网业务、模拟视频业务以及TDM业务的高速传送。

  • The analyzing method of river network based on dynamic tree topology

    基于动态 结构的河网分析方法

  • In the first instance we would like to apply the MN 's mobile history for the criterion of selecting proper MAP in the densely meshed tree topology .

    首先我们想在接近真实网路 拓朴的环境下将MN的移动历史纪录作为选择MAP的判断准则。

  • Algorithm for 4 Degree Steiner Tree Topology

    已知 拓扑下的4度Steiner 算法

  • A binary tree routing topology is designed for propagating the system clock and trigger signal and the accurate timing and synchronization between sensors are provided by CPLD .

    设计了二进制 拓扑 结构传播统一的系统时钟和触发信号,采用CPLD提供传感器间的精确时序和同步。

  • On the basis of the hardware circuit building a network that has a tree cluster topology through the communication modules .

    在硬件电路的基础上,用通信模块搭建了一个 簇状 拓扑 结构的网络。

  • This paper mainly introduces the applying system of the computer aided network tree pattern identification designed based on the algorithms of the network tree topology pattern identification and graph generation derived .

    重点介绍基于推导出的网络 拓扑模式识别算法与图形生成算法所设计的具有工程使用功能的计算机辅助拓扑识别应用系统。

  • Due to the HFC network 's tree topology large service area and great round trip delay it is an issue worth researching when we design the MAC ( Media Access Control ) protocol in HFC networks .

    HFC网络(混合光纤同轴网)采用 树状 拓扑 结构,分布于较广的区域,有较大的延时,这使得HFC网络中的MAC(介质访问控制)协议的设计成为一个值得研究的问题。

  • The concept of tree topology Bragg Optical Fiber Grating ( BOFG ) distribution sensing array is introduced .

    阐述了Bragg光纤光栅( BOFG型传感阵列概念。