
[wʊf, wuf][wʊf]


  • Language Features of the Waves by Virginia Woof


  • ' Woof 'said Timmy He thought that any of George 's ideas were good though the collar puzzled him very much .


  • Look at the dog . Woof ! Woof ! Woof !

    看那只狗。 !汪!汪!

  • The prizewinner is presented with a toy bone and this year delivered a brief acceptance speech ( woof ) by video link .

    幸运的奖品是一只玩具狗骨头,通过视频幸运发表了简短的获奖感言( )。

  • A little tail a furry belly and a smart collar complete your cartoon dog * woof !

    一个小尾巴,毛绒肚皮,一个舒适的衣领,你的卡通狗 就算完成了!

  • This paper realized the function of flexible and high speed woof select .

    实现了灵活多变的高速选 功能。

  • Finally two-way communication is their Holy Grail . A similar device to No More Woof could eventually be hooked up to humans translating our thoughts into dog .

    达到双向交流是 开发者们的最终梦想。他们 希望一种类似于读懂 狗狗 的装置也可以 运用到主人身上,把人类语言翻译成小狗能听懂的 语言

  • Can use in the billfold woof paperboard & book .

    可用于皮夹,布料, 厚纸,书类。

  • When the party is over I give Clifford a hug . It 's a great night isn 't it ? Woof !

    当聚会结束后,我给了 Clifford一个拥抱,这是个很不错的夜晚,不是吗?

  • Dog : No go away . Woof woof .

    小狗:不,走开, 汪汪

  • Woof ! Woof ! This is your ruler .


  • Dog : Woof woof ! Let 's go to the show .

    小狗: 汪汪,我们去看表演吧!

  • Dog : Hello rabbit woof woof .

    小狗:你好,兔子, 汪汪

  • The dogs sat there without even a woof

    狗坐在那里, 都没

  • Mother mouse barked fiercely Woof woof woof ! The cat was so terrified that it ran for it 's life .

    母老鼠向着猫叫道:“ ,汪,汪”,猫听了非常害怕,拼命跑走了。

  • In that case you deserved to get scratched unless you really thought she was such a perceptive cat that she 'd understand woof woof meant roll over .

    这样你就应该被挠,除非你认为她是一个感觉灵敏的猫,她理解 毛线 f意味着滚动。

  • The woof you get when igniting a dish of flammable liquid such as gasoline is a deflagration .

    在“ ”,当你点燃一盘易燃液体,如汽油是一种爆燃。

  • This principle has been woven into the warp and woof of his life .

    这个原则已经成了他生活的 根底

  • She stopped in front of a painting of a dog and she started going ' woof woof '

    她在一幅狗的画像前停下来,开始“ 汪汪”地学起狗叫来。

  • If the infection has spread in the garment either in the warp or in the woof or in the skin whatever the purpose the skin is used for the infection is a malignant leprosy ; it is unclean .

    若灾病发散在衣服上,无论是经上或 上,或在皮子上,这 皮子无论当作何用,这灾病是恶性的疯,是不洁净了。

  • I 'm a dog woof woof woof .

    我是一只小狗, 汪汪汪。

  • The technology used in No More Woof is a combination of the latest technologies in three different tech-areas Electroencephalography ( EEG ) sensoring micro-computing and special brain-computer interface software .

    读懂 狗狗心耳机中的技术运用集合了三个不同技术领域中的最新成果,分别是脑电波传感技术、微运算技术和特殊的脑机接口软件。

  • No More Woof is a headset that uses brain-scanning technology to detect a dog 's thought patterns analyse them and translate them into the spoken word .

    读懂 狗狗 是一款高科技耳机,它可以利用大脑扫描技术检测小狗的想法,进而分析、翻译成人类的语言。

  • He has some dogs with a woof woof woof .

    他有一些狗, ,汪,汪。

  • Towel repair loom is used to weave cotton yarn helix satinstrips and decoration satinstrips towel woof such as face towel square towel bath towel with differ materials .

    该毛巾剑杆织机主要用于织造棉纱等不同原料的各种面巾、 方巾、浴巾等螺旋缎档或提花缎档毛巾织物。

  • With a woof woof here and a woof woof there .

    在这里 汪汪叫,和在那里汪汪叫!

  • Woof the dog gave a loud woof .

    那条狗“ ”地大叫一声。

  • She started going ' woof woof ' .

    它开始“ 汪汪”地叫起来。

  • A sound similar to a woof . Acoustic Differences of Normal and Loud Voice and the Influence on Forensic Voiceprint Identification

    与这种声音相似的声音正常、大声两种说话状态下 语音的声学差异及对声纹鉴定的影响