

n.树林森林木( wood的名词复数 )(保龄球戏的)木瓶木头球棒(旧时通常有木制顶部的高尔夫球棒)

  • We could see birds without number all in the woods .

    在这 林子 我们可以看到无数只飞鸟。

  • The troops rested in the woods .

    部队在 树林 停歇。

  • The estate consists of a main house servants 's quarters a garage stables and100 acres of woods .

    这地产包括一栋住宅,仆人住室,一个汽车房,几间马厩及100英亩的 树林

  • There 's nothing but woods on the other side of the highway

    公路对面只有 树林

  • The badger and the snake had a ferocious battle in the woods .

    獾和蛇在 树林 进行了一场恶斗。

  • Now far away in the woods a bird called .

    这时远远的 树林 ,小鸟在鸣叫。

  • They combed the woods for the lost child .

    他们在 树林 到处寻找那个走失的孩子。

  • It may interest you to know that Miss Woods the housekeeper witnessed the attack .

    您或许会有兴趣知道管家 伍兹小姐目击了袭击过程。

  • It 's so good to see you . What brings you to this neck of the woods ?

    见到你真高兴,哪阵风把你 吹来了?

  • The hill is crowned with woods .

    山顶上有 树林

  • The nation 's economy is not out of the woods yet .

    该国经济尚未摆脱 困境

  • He plies his axe in the woods .

    他在 中忙于砍伐。

  • These Severn Valley woods have been exploited for timber since Saxon times .

    从撒克逊时代起就开始采伐塞文山谷的这些 树林获取木料。

  • Perhaps you 've some doubts about the attack . In that case it may interest you to know that Miss Woods witnessed it

    你也许对这起袭击还有些怀疑。那么如果我告诉你 伍兹小姐亲眼目睹了这起事件,你可能会感兴趣。

  • The woods are sparse .


  • Walking in the empty woods I was filled with apprehension .

    我走在空无一人的 树林 ,心里直毛咕。

  • After dinner Alice slipped away for a walk in the woods with Artie

    晚餐后艾利斯溜出去跟阿蒂到 林子里散步。

  • Woods burned with paper .


  • Did the two of you split up in the woods ?

    你们俩是在 树林 分开的吗?

  • They bound woods with rope .

    他们用绳子绑 木头

  • A cigarette thrown into the woods in dry weather may catch start w_675 a fire .

    在干燥的天气里将点燃的香烟扔在 树林 容易失火。

  • The army lorries were sprayed with machine gun fire from guerrillas in the woods .

    部队的运货卡车遭到了 树林中游击队机关枪的扫射。

  • Police believe the gunmen ran off into the woods

    警方认为持枪的歹徒逃到 树林 去了。

  • Without a compass it is easy to lose one 's bearings in the woods .


  • The ground levels off beyond the woods .

    过了 树林,地面就平坦了。

  • The guide misled the tourists in the woods .

    向导在 森林 给旅游者带错了路。

  • The villagers combed out the woods looking for the missing boy .

    村民们仔细搜索 树林,寻找失踪的男孩。

  • Officers combed the woods for the murder weapon

    警察在 树林 四处搜寻凶器。

  • The hunters stayed in the woods all day in quest of game .

    猎人整天呆在 树林中搜寻猎物。

  • It was lovely to walk in the woods .
