tropical cyclone

[ˈtrɑpɪkəl ˈsaɪˌklon][ˈtrɔpikəl ˈsaɪˌkləʊn]


  • Wish this tropical cyclone will not strengthen to be a typhoon .

    希望此一 热带 气压不会增强成为台风。

  • How will a tropical cyclone affect the ambient radiation level in Hong kong ?

    热带 气旋怎样影响香港环境辐射水平?

  • Tropical cyclone is a general term of tropical storm severe tropical storm and typhoon .

    热带 气旋主要是热带风暴、强热带风暴和台风的总称。

  • Research and Applying of Forecasting Tropical Cyclone Intensity Based on Fuzzy Neural Network

    模糊神经网络方法在 热带 气旋强度预报中的应用研究

  • Analysis and Statistics of the tropical cyclone over Jingyu Area during 1949-2008

    1949-2008年靖宇划定区域 热带 气旋的统计和分析

  • What is the impact on wind speed when the rainband of a tropical cyclone moves across ?

    热带 气旋的雨带经过时,对风速有甚么影响?

  • Tropical cyclone is a high wind speed whirlpool developed over the warm oceans .

    热带 气旋是源于温暖的海洋,风力极大的旋涡。

  • Relation of summer Asia-Pacific oscillation to tropical cyclone activities over the coastal waters of China

    夏季亚洲-太平洋涛动与中国近海 热带 气旋活动的关系

  • The preliminary analysis of the lightning characteristics and the relationship between lightning and intensity of tropical cyclone in northwest Pacific

    西北太平洋 热带 气旋的闪电特征及其与强度关系的初步分析

  • Precision Assessment for Tropical Cyclone Positioning and Forecasts over the Northwest Pacific in 2007

    2007年西北太平洋 热带 气旋定位和预报精度评定

  • Tropical Cyclone Warning System for the South - West Indian Ocean Region

    西南印度洋区域 热带 气旋警报系统

  • Can the tropical cyclone warning system reflect winds in different regions of Hong kong ?

    热带 气旋警告系统能否反映香港不同地区风力?

  • A tropical cyclone brought heavy rain to the country last week .

    上周一股 热带 气旋使该国受到暴雨 袭击

  • TC-IDV : A New Tool for Tropical Cyclone Forecasting and Research

    TCIDV 热带 气旋预报和研究的新工具

  • A quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity equation model is used to simulate the influences of topographic forcing and land friction on landfall tropical cyclone track and intensity .

    采用准地转正压涡度方程模式,对地形强迫和陆地摩擦作用下登陆 热带 气旋的路径和强度进行了模拟研究。

  • A pronounced bias in tropical cyclone minimum sea level pressure estimation based on the Dvorak technique .

    技术对 热带 气旋最小海平面气压估计的显著偏差。

  • It 's found that : ( 1 ) Abnormal frequency variation of the tropical cyclone affecting East China is caused by the adjustment of mean monthly circulation of the Northern Hemisphere in flood season ;

    研究发现:(1)影响华东地区的 热带 气旋汛频数的 局地性异常变化是汛平均环流半球性调整的结果;

  • With the numerical sea current and wave model the sea current and wave in the South China Sea under the actions of the tropical cyclone high wind speed were numerically simulated .

    采用海流和海浪数值模式,对 热带 气旋高风速作用下南海的海流和海浪进行了数值仿真。

  • Since the1990s the physical mechanism of tropical cyclone intensity change has been a forward topic of typhoon dynamics .

    二十世纪九十年代以来, 热带 气旋强度变化的物理机制成为国际台风动力学的一个研究热点。

  • Numerical Simulation of Sea Current and Wave in the South China Sea under High Wind Speed of Tropical Cyclone

    热带 气旋高风速下南海海流和海浪的数值仿真

  • The preliminary study of Non-regularity of tropical cyclone landing time intervals

    登陆 热带 气旋时间间隔非规则性的初步研究

  • Application of Grey Relation Analysis for Evaluation of Tropical Cyclone Disaster

    灰色关联分析在 热带 气旋灾害等级评估中的应用

  • What are the differences between the newly revised tropical cyclone warning system and the old system ?

    新修订 热带 气旋警告系统跟以前的有何不同?

  • Influence of environmental vertical wind shear on tropical cyclone Bilis

    环境风垂直切变对 热带 气旋碧利斯的影响

  • If the tropical cyclone warning signal is in force will you take any precautions ?

    如果 香港 天文台发出 热带 气旋警告信号,你会否做好所有防风措施?

  • Relationship between Tropical Cyclone Activities over Coastal Waters of China and Interannual Variation of Eastern Asian Subtropical Monsoons

    我国近海 热带 气旋活动与东亚副热带季风年际变化的关系

  • A tropical cyclone occurring in the W Pacific or Indian oceans .

    发生在太平洋或印度洋的 热带 旋风

  • The tropical cyclone warning service is an important function of the observatory .

    发出 热带 气旋警告,是天文台一项重要的工作。

  • Diagnostic Analysis of a Persistent Heavy Rainfall in Yunnan influenced by Bay of Bengal Tropical Cyclone

    一次 孟加拉湾 风暴影响下云南持续性暴雨天气诊断分析

  • A statistcal analysis of relationship between the Arctic sea ice and the Northwest Pacific tropical cyclone activity

    北极海冰与西北太平洋 热带 气旋活动关系的初步分析