trigger signal

[ˈtrɪɡɚ ˈsɪɡnəl][ˈtriɡə ˈsiɡnəl]


  • In the design of the Signaling virtual platform used a dual process united recursive algorithm and based on the source side of the trigger signal transmission . Signals can be fast and efficient transfer .

    在仿真平台信号扩散方式设计中,采用双过程联合递归算法,结合基于源端 触发 信号传递方法,实现了信号的快速、高效传递。

  • The stimuli circuit of the XeCl excimer laser has a great effect on the output characters of the laser . The spark gap switch was innovative and satisfied used to control the instant high current trigger signal of the XeCl excimer laser which was made by ourselves .

    XeCl准分子激光器激励电路性能对激光器的输出特性有很大的影响,我实验室自制的XeCl准分子激光器创新性的采用了火花开关 控制 电路,对瞬时大电流进行控制,取得了满意的效果。

  • Improvements and Simulation of High-power GTO Gate Trigger Signal

    大功率GTO门极 触发 信号的改进与仿真

  • Besides we need according to the received acoustic signal size generate the appropriate A / D conversion trigger signal .

    另外还要根据接收到的水声信号的大小,产生合适的A/D转换的 触发 信号

  • Chopper regulator soft starter is used in self-turn-off device IGBT the trigger signal is not synchronized with the main circuit the dynamic response is faster .

    斩波调压软起动器采用的是自关断器件IGBT, 触发 信号不需要与主电路同步,动态响应速度较快。

  • On the other hand random changes of trigger signal transmission delay time and stray capacitor in the circuit worsen the modulator 's output pulse quality and efficiency .

    电路中器件离散性与系统分布参数会 造成 调制器输出波形质量下降,效率降低。

  • The first type is using computer soundcard as its analog sound signal output and the digital ports ( such as serial or parallel port ) are used to output the trigger signal to mark the stimulus onset .

    一种是利用计算机自带的声卡作为模拟声音信号输出,利用数字端口,如串口或并口输出 触发 信号标记刺激声出现的时刻。

  • Trigger Signal Source Used in High Speed Photography

    用于高速摄影的 触发 信号

  • The trigger signal generating circuit for the LRG imaging system is designed according to the experiment demands . On the basis of the monostabtle trigger based on the complex programmable logic device ( CPLD ) the synchronization control circuit for the LRG imaging system is designed .

    设计了激光距离选通成像系统的 触发 信号产生电路,以基于CPLD器件的单稳态触发器为基础设计了激光距离选通成像系统同步控制电路。

  • The developed trigger circuit can produce a reliable trigger signal at either polar of the input pulse signal .

    设计的触发电路对输入的任何极性脉冲都能产生可靠的 触发 信号

  • Others have to give a trigger signal or respond automatically to the behavior results .

    有些工作还要求系统给出 触发 信号,或能自动响应生物的行为反应。

  • In part of hardware design Protel DXP software is used to draw schematic and produce PCB board in designing the trigger signal synchronization module .

    在硬件的设计中,同步 触发 信号发生模块部分用到PROTELDXP软件绘制原理图和制作PCB板。

  • Similar to a boundary event on an activity an event subprocess listens for its trigger signal only when the containing process is active .

    事件子流程类似于某个活动上的边界事件,仅在包含流程处于活动状态时监听它的 触发 信号

  • In this paper a SVPWM signal generator is designed with VHDL . This signal generator can transform time signal into SVPWM trigger signal successfully with good anti-jamming capability .

    本文利用VHDL硬件描述语言设计了一种SVPWM信号发生器,该信号发生器不仅成功实现了输入时间信号到SVPWM 触发 信号的转换,而且具有良好的抗干扰能力。

  • In order to ensure the synchronization the RF signal is divided to produce the clock trigger signal of subsystem .

    为了保证同步性,各子系统的时钟 触发 信号均是从高频信号分频获得。

  • A binary tree routing topology is designed for propagating the system clock and trigger signal and the accurate timing and synchronization between sensors are provided by CPLD .

    设计了二进制树型拓扑结构传播统一的系统时钟和 触发 信号,采用CPLD提供传感器间的精确时序和同步。

  • Trigger Signal Source composed of semiconductor laser fan-shaped screens and retroreflector can provide slit high-speed photography and digital high-speed camera with startup signal and can be in pairs utilized to measure the velocity of moving bodies .

    触发 信号源采用半导体激光器,扇形光幕和原向反射器构成,可为高速摄影系统提供启动信号,成对使用可进行运动物体速度的测量。

  • Drive signal for scanning system trigger signal for laser and synchronization signal were generated by HY-8110 arbitrary signal generating card .

    采用HY-8110任意信号发生板提供扫描振镜驱动信号、激光脉冲 触发 信号和同步信号。

  • The trigger signal at the same time is used as the light source driving signal . We number each PMT separately and record the measurement results in the database systems .

    触发 信号同时作为光源驱动信号,每个PMT进行分别编号,测量结果记入数据库系统。

  • The key technologies of build solid state switch by series link and parallel link of MOSFET are trigger signal optical isolation MOSFET driving active voltage and current balancing MOSFET component over voltage protection .

    使用MOSFET大量串联和并联的关键技术有: 触发 信号的光纤隔离技术、MOSFET器件的驱动技术、MOSFET动态过程中的电压和电流均衡技术、MOSFET器件过电压保护技术。

  • The broadband amplifier attenuator and power splitter are used to control the amplitude of the clock trigger signal .

    为满足幅度要求,采用了宽带放大器、衰减器和功分器控制时钟 触发 信号的大小。

  • The multiple-beam laser enclosure is a new type guarded device which made with semiconductor laser and photo dynatron compose a photoelectric switch . The photoelectric switch can produce a trigger signal and 8051 SCM control an annunciator with the coded signal .

    多光束激光围栏是一种新型警戒装置,由半导体激光器和光敏三极管组成光开关,形成 触发 信号,由8051单片机控制报警器报警。

  • A trigger signal source for slit high speed photography and digital high speed camera is introduced .

    介绍了一种为狭缝高速摄影和数字高速摄像系统提供 启动 信号 触发 信号源。

  • Total system includes image acquisition image transmission the image data processing system which is formed by the PC the synchronization trigger signal modules and other subsystems .

    系统包括图像采集、图像传输、由PC机组成的图像数据处理系统、同步 触发 信号发生模块等子系统。

  • Dynamic speckle photography of the gear tooth has been achieved by combining a pulsed ruby laser with the external synchronizing trigger signal .

    红宝石脉冲激光器和外同步 触发 信号结合实现了齿轮轮齿动态散斑图的记录。

  • This paper introduces the way by which a SCR trigger signal is produced and con-trolled and many SCR trigger signals are sequentially controlled by MCS - 51 single chip micro-computer .

    本文介绍用MCS-51单片机控制产生一个或多个顺序晶闸管 触发 信号的方法。

  • The high level was outputted to DC / DC by received tube the trigger signal was detected by the MCU the driver instruction was outputted by the DC / DC to connect the electromagnetism valve and the electric shock delivers once .

    接收管输出高电平给DC/DC,单片机检测到 扳机 信号,DC/DC输出驱动指令接通电磁阀,电击发一次。

  • The other hand the central node receives the synchronized system clock and trigger signal from the timing signal fiber optic network which provided by the core module .

    另一方面从时序信号光纤网接收核心模块提供的精确同步系统时钟和 触发 信号,从而同步所控制的子系统。