trigger diode

[ˈtrɪɡɚ ˈdaɪˌod][ˈtriɡə ˈdaiəud]


  • This paper analyzes the runaway phenomenon and its causes of the single-phase half-controlled-bridge commutated circuit describes the functions of the fly-wheel diode and puts forward some corresponding measures according to the features of the trigger circuit of double-base diode and the peculiarities of thyristor .

    分析了单相半控桥整流电路的失控现象及产生原因,说明了续流二极管的作用,提出了根据单结 晶体管 触发电路特点和晶闸管特性采取的应对措施。

  • The trigger problems for diode diagnosis in pulsed relativistic electron beam accelarator

    强流脉冲电子束加速器 二极管的诊断 触发问题

  • Development of bidirectional trigger diode

    双向 触发 二极管的研制