


  • This sounds counterintuitive after the tumult of the past decade .

    经历了过去10年的 喧嚣 动乱,这听上去似乎与直觉相悖。

  • Those three words threw him into a tumult of joy .

    这三个字使他 心花怒放

  • Previous day a big tumult finally subsided .

    隔天,一阵大 骚动终于平息了。

  • Why does my blood rush into a hell of tumult at a few words ?

    为什么几句话就让我血往上涌、 激动 万分

  • The sailors ' voices could not be heard above the tumult of the storm .

    水手们的声音在风暴的 喧哗中无法被听到。

  • This first danger was past ; but there still reigned a frightful tumult within him .

    这第一次的危险已经过了,但是他心里仍旧 惊恐 难受

  • Everywhere was tumult exultation deafening and maniacal bewilderment astounding noise yet furious dumb-show .

    到处是 骚动、兴奋、令人耳聋的疯狂的混乱,令人震惊的呼喊,却也有激怒的哑剧场面。

  • The tumult has subsided .


  • Which stilleth the noise of the seas the noise of their waves and the tumult of the people .

    使诸海的响声,和其中波浪的响声,并万民的 喧哗,都平静了。

  • The tumult of Elizabeth 's mind was allayed by this conversation .

    这番谈话 以后,伊丽莎白的 忧的心境平静了些。

  • A lonely impulse of some delight drove to this tumult in the clouds .

    只有一个冲动, 云霄

  • The sky was a tumult of discoloured clouds .

    天空 乱纷纷地浮动着污浊的云。

  • The tumult in the streets awakened everyone in the house .

    街上的 喧哗吵醒了屋子里的每一个人。

  • Through all the tumult and the strife I hear it 's music ringing It sounds an echo in my soul .

    通过所有的 骚动和冲突我听说它是响音乐,它发出一在我的精神中回声的信号。

  • Uproar reigns in front tumult behind .

    前面人声 喧嚷,后面一 混乱

  • Ignoring the tumult and the horror Western businesspeople repeatedly discovered gold mines of opportunity in china .

    不顾 混乱和恐惧,西方的商人们开始重复地在中国发掘机会的金矿。

  • Do you hear the tumult of death afar ?

    你是否听到远方死亡的 喧嚣

  • The financial markets are in tumult .

    金融市场上一 混乱

  • As we reflect on the state of the US equity markets we can take pride in their performance through the tumult of the last year .

    当我们反思美国股票市场的状况时,我们会对其在去年 混乱 局势中的表现感到自豪。

  • His voice disappeared under growing tumult .

    他的声音消失在越来越 喧哗 中。

  • Her mind being in a tumult she could not go to sleep .

    心潮 翻滚,无法入睡。

  • The country had witnessed scenes of tumult not far removed from civil war

    这个国家经历了无异于内战的 动乱 局势

  • A condition of noisy excitement and confusion ; tumult .

    骚动, 骚乱喧嚷激动和疑惑的状态; 混乱

  • To Indra in the tumult of battle .

    以因陀罗在 喧哗的战斗。

  • A tumult of feelings inside her fought for supremacy .

    她内心 百感交集

  • A reef of a thousand islands kept out the Atlantic tumult of the waves .

    散布海上的上千个礁岛挡住了 喧嚣的大西洋波涛。

  • The tumult and evil of life dropped from him like foul and ragged cloak .

    人生的 扰乱和丑恶,就像腐臭、破烂的衣服一样,从他身上褪落下来。

  • The whole city was in tumult .

    全城 骚动