triple superphosphate

[ˈtrɪpəl ˌsjupɚˈfɑsˌfet][ˈtripl sju:pəˈfɔsfeit]


  • After a series of laboratory study a method for the manufacture of a high-analysis compound fertilizer has been proposed by pre-treatment of powdery triple superphosphate with ammonium bicarbonate and granulation of urea and potassium chloride along with the recycle .

    通过一系列的实验室研究,提出了以碳酸氢铵对粉状 重钙进行预处理后,与尿素、钾盐和返料一起造粒制得高浓度复混肥料的方法。

  • One-step Defluorination New Technology for Preparation ofFeed-grade Dicalcium Phosphate from Triple Superphosphate


  • In view of more demand to ESP in market the 400 kt / a triple superphosphate ( TSP ) plant introduced from foreign country is shifted to produce ESP without canceling its function of TSP production at Yunnan Phosphate Fertilizer Industry Co.

    云南磷肥工业有限公司引进生产能力400kt/a 重钙装置,根据市场对 产品的需求量较大,在 保留生产重钙产品功能的同时,改产

  • Triple superphosphate ( TSP ) plant consists of two parts .

    荆襄 化工 集团 公司 重钙厂装置包括两大 相对 独立部分。

  • Controlling Ammonia Volatilization by Mixing Urea with Humic Acid Fulvic Acid Triple Superphosphate and Muriate of Potash

    尿素中添加腐植酸、黄腐酸、 过磷酸钙和氯化钾能抑制氨的挥发

  • Triple superphosphate Abbreviations : TSP ( TSP ) Quality Standard : HG2219-2224-91 Characters : granular solid slightly acidic look pale or dark colored exhaust .


  • Choice of Neutralization Agent in Granulation of Triple Superphosphate and Study of Phosphate Reversion


  • Extract available Phosphorus Directly From Granular Triple Superphosphate and Superphosphate


  • With the use of a neutralization agent in the granulation of run of pile triple superphosphate there is a little reversion of P 2O 5 in the product so attention is to be paid to actual operation .

    粉状 重钙造粒时使用中和剂后,产品的P2O5会有少量的退化现象,在实际操作中应引起注意。

  • The technologies introduced from abroad with the capacities of 300 kt / a phosphoric acid and 2 × 400 kt / a triple superphosphate as well as their digestion and innovation in this company are introduced .

    介绍 引进的30万tP2O5/a磷酸和2×40万t/a 重钙 生产技术,以及对上述技术的消化创新情况。

  • Urea based compound fertilizers made by spraying molten urea onto single or triple superphosphate granules can prevent hygroscopicity .

    在普钙和 重钙颗粒上喷涂熔融尿液生产的尿基复合肥还能防止吸湿。

  • The technical improving measure for 100kt / a triple superphosphate producing equipment to enlarge capacity

    100kt/a 重钙生产装置扩能技改措施

  • Determination of water soluble phosphorous and effective phosphorous by extraction of triple superphosphate with ultrasonic cleaner was introduced and effect of extraction factors on the result was studied .

    介绍了采用超声波清洗器提取 粒状 过磷酸钙中的水溶性磷和有效磷的测定方法及提取条件对测定结果的影响,该方法与HG/T2219~2224-91 比较,具有 快速简便 优点

  • As the equipment and process of Anning Slurry Route granular triple superphosphate ( GTSP ) are similar to diammonium phosphate ( DAP ) the Anning Slurry Route GTSP install may be used to produce DAP through proper reformation .

    安宁料浆法 重钙与磷酸二铵生产的设备和工艺控制极其相似,对其进行适当改造,可以将料浆法重钙装置改产磷铵。