tribal law

[ˈtraɪbəl lɔ][ˈtraɪbəl lɔ:]

[法] 部落法

  • Since the tribal unwritten law of primitive society in thousands years ago the existence form of law has changed ceaselessly till now .

    法律在从原始社会朴素的 氏族习惯 发展至今,已然经过了几千年。

  • Luo Ashi on the main fruit of tribal history of ginger and tribal laws and regulations red this law the formulation process .

    主要阐述了果洛阿什姜部落的历史渊源及 部落法规《红本 》的制定过程。

  • However respected men expert in tribal law and customs generally made the main tribal decisions and directed the ceremonies .

    不过,一般来说,土著部落由德高望重、 通晓 律法和社会习俗的男人就重大事情做出决定并主持各种仪式。

  • A Brief Talk about the Production of Tribal Habit Law in the Tibetan Area of Qinghai

    略论青海藏区 部落习惯 的产生

  • In recent years tribal habit law revives in the part regions of Qinghai and gives rise to a whole set of important impact on economy politics culture and society in the pastoral area .

    近年来, 部落习惯 在青海部分藏区死灰复燃,给我省牧区经济、政治、文化、社会形成了一系列重大影响,日益引起人们的广泛关注。

  • The goal is to increase communication and cooperation between tribal and federal law enforcement agencies and the court system .

    法案的目的是加强 部落、联邦 执法机构和法院系统的沟通和合作。