


v.(使)增至三倍( triple的现在分词 )

  • The plans for efficiency savings and tripling the share of renewable energy generation are the most ambitious environmental targets set anywhere in the world .

    在全球各地设定的环保目标中,欧盟 提高能效、 可再生能源发电量份额 扩大 的计划都是最具雄心的一个。

  • The number of female inmates is increasing almost twice as fast as the men 's incarceration rate tripling in the last decade .

    女囚数量的增长速度几乎是男囚的两 ,在过去十年内是

  • Morgan Stanley has already made a healthy return on its $ 35m initial investment at least tripling its money .

    摩根士丹利的初始投资为3500万美元,现在至少 增长 ,获得了丰厚的回报。

  • China became normal reforming its economy tripling its gross domestic product and easing its way into the world order .

    中国成了正常国家,开始进行经济改革,国内生产总值翻了 ,开始融入世界秩序。

  • After tripling its balance sheet in two and-a-half years the conventional wisdom is that the era of quantitative easing should now give way to the era of inflation . As a result the foregone conclusion is that US interest rates will rise and bonds will underperform significantly .

    在美联储资产负债表于两年半内增长了 之后,传统智慧认为,定量宽松时代现在应该让位于通货膨胀时代。因此,人们的定论是,美国利率将会上调,债券将明显走弱。

  • Asia was another bright spot for the Hong Kong-based company with demand for its goods tripling in 2011 to about half of its European sales .

    对这家香港公司来说,亚洲是另一个亮点。2011年,亚洲对利丰货物的需求 增加 ,销售额达到欧洲销售额的一半左右。

  • The result is a significant victory for the young party almost tripling the number it received in 2004 .

    选举标志着这个年轻政党所取得的一个重大的胜利,所获 选票几乎是2004年时的 3

  • Nearly one in five degree courses has been scrapped since the tripling of tuition fees to 9 it has been revealed .

    据透露,自从英国大学学费上涨到原来的 ,达到一年9000英镑,已有近五分之一的学位课程被削减掉。

  • Far from being crowded out other multilateral bodies have also got new cash : the African Development Bank is tripling its capital .

    其它多边机构非但没有遭到排挤,还同样得到了新资金:非洲开发银行( AfricanDevelopmentBank)正 其资本 增至 原来

  • The threat is increasing rapidly ; this year has seen a doubling or even tripling of the incident rate over last year .

    这种威胁与日俱增:与去年相比,今年的事故率是去年的2倍,甚至 达到3

  • G-20 leaders who met recently in London agreed to support a tripling of resources for the IMF to $ 750 billion among other actions of concrete support .

    二十国集团领导人在伦敦会议期间同意将其对国际货币基金组织的资金支持 增加 ,达到7500亿美元;此外,还将采取其它支持行动。

  • There has been a tripling of cholera cases since the start of October to early November in the Goma health zone which includes the area of Karisimbi .

    从10月起到11月初,在包括 Kirisimbi地区在内的戈马卫生区,霍乱病例是以往的三倍。

  • Bill Gross the manager of the world 's biggest bond fund has switched gears to make a big bet on mortgage debt almost tripling his holding of it to more than 60 per cent of the fund .

    世界最大债券基金经理比尔•格罗斯(BillGross)已 调转 方向,重金押注于按揭债务, 其所持的按揭债务增至目前水平的近 3 ,占基金总值的60%以上。

  • Many luxury brands in particular have prospered because of fast-growing demand the absence of local competition and a near tripling of per capita disposable income since 2000 .

    由于需求快速增长、本土品牌不具竞争力、以及2000年以来中国人均可支配收入 增长 ,许多 西方品牌、尤其是奢侈品品牌在中国得到蓬勃发展。

  • Aduh : Linger did you hear ? The school 's tripling internet prices !

    阿德:玲儿,你听到消息了吗?学校 网络费 增至

  • The dot-com bubble burst in the early2000s taking billions of investor dollars with it andfraud has been growing tripling over the past five years according to Internet Crime Complaint Center .

    21世纪初期,网络泡沫破裂, 十多亿投资付诸流水。而且根据网络犯罪举报中心的统计,在过去的5年间,诈骗活动也有增无减。

  • Trade between the two nations came to $ 36 billion last year tripling in the past five years as China scooped up iron ore copper and soybeans while shipping manufactured goods back to Brazil .

    中国在巴西收购铁矿石、铜及大豆,并将制成品运回巴西销售, 中巴两国间的贸易额在过去五年中 增加 ,去年达到360亿美元。

  • Europeans have suggested a doubling of these sums and the US a tripling .

    欧洲国家建议将这个数额增加一倍,美国建议 增加

  • The news therefore this week that steelmakers Posco and ArcelorMittal have reportedly agreed to a tripling of coal contract prices helps BHP .

    因而,本周传出的浦项制铁(posco)与阿塞洛-米塔尔(arcelormittal)同意 煤炭合同价格 提高 的新闻有助于必和必拓。

  • In 2001 the Commerce Department enacted a stiff tariff on Chinese honey nearly tripling the import duty after American producers complained that Chinese competitors were dumping their products on the market .

    2001年,在美国厂商投诉中国竞争对手在向市场倾销产品后,美国商务部针对中国蜂蜜征收了严厉的关税,将进口关税几乎 提高到了 原来

  • Current research on all-solid-state continuous-wave ( CW ) blue lasers mainly focuses on intracavity frequency doubling technique but intracavity frequency tripling technique is seldom adopted .

    目前全固体连续蓝光激光器的研究主要集中在腔内倍频技术上,而采用腔内 倍频方法的报道却很少。

  • Meanwhile the US Senate this week approved a tripling in annual aid to Pakistan to about $ 1.5bn a year including annual military support of $ 400m .

    与此同时,美国参议院本周批准 每年对巴基斯坦的援助 扩大 ,达到大约15亿美元,其中包括每年4亿美元的军事支持。

  • Facebook 's Mark Zuckerberg No.35 saw the largest relative increase more than tripling his fortune to $ 6.9 billion from $ 2 billion .

    社交网站Facebook的创始人马克扎克伯格排在富豪榜第35位,是上榜富豪中财富增长最多的人,他的资产 增长 多,从去年的20亿美元 增长到69亿美元。

  • In holding out for higher iron ore prices and tripling its sales in the lucrative spot market Rio risks alienating China its main customer .

    由于坚持更高的铁矿石价格,并 其在利润丰厚的现货市场上的销量 提高 ,力拓冒着与其主要客户中国关系疏远的风险。

  • Weibo contributed US $ 30 million worth of income in the second quarter more than tripling from a year ago .

    在第二季度微博贡献了价值3000万美元的收入,比一年前的 还多。

  • The developments follow a tripling in demand in China since 2001 for machines such as excavators loaders and cranes .

    上述 放缓动态出现之前,中国对挖掘机、装载机和起重机等工程机械的需求自2001年以来 提高

  • Human Mind Behind Human Behavior & On the Description of Marketplace Life in Beauties in the Precious Mirror ; Strong growth with mild inflation is all the more amazing given the tripling of oil prices since 2003 .

    以世情 人心&浅说《 宝鉴》关于市井的描写鉴于2003以来石油价格上涨了 倍,正是强势增长加上轻微的通货膨胀才 促成了这一 良辰美景

  • Strong growth with mild inflation is all the more amazing given the tripling of oil prices since 2003 . Inflation had been nudging upwards because of those oil prices .

    鉴于2003以来石油价格上涨了 ,正是强势增长加上轻微的通货膨胀才 促成了这一 良辰美景

  • The tripling of the stamp tax to 0.3 % makes the position of regulators abundantly clear .

    印花税 上调 ,达到3%,这使得监管者的立场十分明确。

  • He called for a doubling or even tripling of doctors particularly general practitioners with experience in emergencies and basic surgical skills .

    他呼吁将医生 人数增至 2倍或甚至 3 ”,特别是在急救和基本外科技术方面有经验的全科医生。