triple precision

[ˈtrɪpəl prɪˈsɪʒən][ˈtripl priˈsiʒən]


  • Conclusion The proposed triple level registration strategy is a registration strategy to be able to harmonize precision speed and disregistrated rate effectively .

    结论 级配准是一种能够有效协调 配准 精度、速度和误配率的配准策略。

  • Video Photography for Kinematics Analysis on Male Triple Jumps The goal for improving precision has been achieved by examining stereo vision camera calibration and shooting method .

    男子 跳远运动学解析的拍摄方案研究为了实现人机交互解译的 精度 控制,本文确定了 实用的立体视能力检测,摄像机标定方法及具体的拍摄方案。

  • It is successful to match the well test data of triple medium reservoir automatically by use of genetic algorithm that improves the matching speed and precision between theoretical pressure and measured pressure .

    实例研究表明,利用遗传算法进行 介质试井解释自动拟合,效果很好,提高了压力史的拟合速度和 精度