yellow spot

[ˈjɛlo spɑt][ˈjeləu spɔt]


  • Laser photocoagulation included whole retinal photocoagulation local photocoagulation and yellow spot lattice photocoagulation .

    激光光凝治疗包括全视网膜光凝技术、局部光凝术、 黄斑格子样光凝术。

  • Studies on Maize Yellow Spot ⅳ . Measurement of Resistance

    玉米 黄斑 研究Ⅳ.品种抗病性鉴定

  • When a person looks at an object the image is focused on the yellow spot . I fixed my eyes on the bronze statue for a long time .

    人凝视物时,物像聚焦在 黄斑上。我久久地凝视着那尊铜像。

  • A Study on the Maize Yellow Spot Identification of Pathogen

    玉米 黄斑 研究Ⅰ·病原菌鉴定

  • Nursing Care of Patients With Yellow Spot Retinal Detachment Treated by Perfluoropropane

    全氟丙烷治疗 黄斑孔视网膜脱离病人的护理

  • A white North American swan ( Olor columbianus ) having a soft musical trumpeting voice and a black beak with a yellow spot at the base .


  • Ten sugarcane cultivars were tested under field conditions in West Guangdong for their susceptibility to sugarcane yellow spot ( Cercospora ) and the resulting yield loss ( % ) .

    在田间自然发病条件下,比较粤西10个甘蔗生产品种甘蔗 赤斑病的发病程度与产量损失率。

  • Studies on Maize Yellow Spot ──ⅲ . Preliminary Research on Pathotoxin Produced by Curvularia lunata

    玉米 黄斑 研究&Ⅲ.病原菌Curvularialunata致病毒素初探

  • The yellow spot department was reduced edema is statistical significance ( p0.05 ) .


  • Effect of Sugarcane Yellow Spot Disease on Yield Loss of Sugarcane Varieties

    甘蔗品种、施氮水平对甘蔗 赤斑病严重度及产量损失的影响

  • Just about at the center of the retina is a small depression from 2.5 to 3 mm in diameter known as the yellow spot or macula .

    大约正好在视网膜的中心,有一个直径为2.5到3毫米的小凹陷叫做 黄斑

  • A Study on the Maize Yellow Spot ( Curvularia leaf Spot ) ⅱ . Types of Symptom

    玉米 黄斑病研究Ⅱ.症状类型

  • Investigation of Developmental Laws of Sugarcane Yellow Spot Disease

    甘蔗 病发病规律调查

  • Also two morphologic markers yellow pollen and red spot were investigated .

    同时考察了两个形态标记: 黄色花药和基部 红斑

  • During the following 8 months close attention should be paid to the improvement of the pathologically changed retina the fadeaway of the dropsy of the yellow spot and the change of eyesight after the operation .

    需作全视网膜光凝的在黄斑光凝完成后进行,平均随访8个月,观察病变网膜的改善情况、 黄斑水肿消退情况及光凝前后视力的变化。

  • Relationship between sugarcane yellow spot ( cercospora ) and yield loss in Sugarcane Cultivars

    甘蔗 赤斑病的严重度与产量损失的关系

  • In recent years several more waterfalls along with caves and picturesque rocks of scenic value have been discovered in the vicinity of the Yellow Fruit Tree Waterfall adding to the allure of the scenic spot .

    近年,在 黄果树风景区又发现了几处可供游览观赏的瀑布,洞穴和奇峰异石为 景区更添异彩。

  • Yes she was still there a yellow spot under an orange umbrella .


  • But human sight has the characteristic of yeellow spot so the curve showing the relationship between the visual acuity and the visual angle ( that I call the yellow spot curve ) is of a high sharpness .

    而人类视觉具有黄斑特性,其视敏度沿视角分布呈锐度很高的 黄斑曲线。

  • Large yellow American moth having a large eyelike spot on each hind wing ; the larvae have stinging spines .

    黄色的美洲大蚕蛾,每只后翅上有象大眼睛一样的 斑点;幼虫有刺样的脊骨。

  • Fungus causing yellow spot ( a sugarcane disease in Australia ) .

    引起 黄斑的菌类(在澳大利亚的甘蔗病)。

  • Laser parameter : yellow / green kr-laser laser spot 100-200 um time 0.2-0.3 s power 200-400 mw the laser solidified the tears 3-4 row .

    激光参数:氪 /氪绿, 光斑100~200μm,时间0.2~0.3s,功率200~400mW,光凝裂孔3~4排,达到灰白色光凝

  • For Mf-ERG The different absolute values of responding density of wave N_1 and P_1 in photocoagulating retina area and 5 ° area in the center of yellow spot compared between before photocoagulation and after photocoagulation have statically statistical meaning ( P < 0.01 ) .

    Mf-ERG:光凝区网膜与 黄斑中央5°区域的N1波、P1波反应密度绝对值在光凝前后的差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),其反应密度绝对值在光凝后明显降低;

  • When a person looks at an object the image is focused on the Yellow spot .

    人凝视物时,物像聚焦在 黄斑上。

  • You will enjoy Yellow River Scenic Spot ( RMB30 ) and Yellow River Visiting Area ( RMB25 tour ) on the way .

    它是经过 黄河大观 景区的(30元),黄河游览区(25元4小时)

  • Yellow river delta is an important transit spot of migration of cranes to south .

    黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区是鹤类重要的迁徙中转 ,在鹤类保护中具有重要意义。

  • Fashion scan on-the - spot coordination ; publication scan the yellow spot characteristic of human sight and transmitting pictures by means of helical scan

    视觉的 黄斑特性与螺旋扫描方式传输图象

  • There are two problems must be mentioned : a collection of wedding must wash their hands before do not glue cosmetics or for a long time there will be a small yellow spot on the wedding ;

    还有两个小问题不可不提:一是收藏婚纱前一定要洗手,千万不要粘上化妆品,否则时间一长,婚纱上就会有小 黄斑

  • Maize yellow spot disease in Hebei

    玉米 黄斑病在河北的发生