


  • Purpose : Two kinds of antagonists to cholinergic receptors atropine sulfate and d tubocurarine were analyzed for their effects on porcine tubulin polymerization .

    目的:在 条件 ,通过猪脑微管蛋白的聚合 和解聚合反应,分析两种乙酰胆碱受体抑制剂&阿托品和 箭毒碱对微管蛋白聚合的影响。

  • The suppression by tubocurarine on the increased afferent discharge from the muscle spindle caused by succinylcholine

    箭毒 对琥珀胆碱引起肌梭传入放电的抑制

  • Experiments were carried out on rabbits immobilized with tubocurarine under artificial respiration .

    实验在 箭毒制动和人工呼吸 维持下的 清醒家兔上进行。

  • Simultaneously we investigated the C M effects of d tubocurarine in mouse bone marrow cells .

    研究同时探讨了 活体 情况 ,该 化合物对小鼠骨髓细胞的C有丝 分裂C&M)效应,分析其对 哺乳动物体细胞有 分裂的影响。

  • Objective To study the effect of tubocurarine ( TC ) on the increased afferent discharge from the muscle spindle caused by succinylcholine ( SCh ) .

    目的研究 箭毒 (TC)对琥珀胆碱(SCh)引起肌梭传入放电的影响。

  • Evoked responses of sublayer IIa f to electrical stimulation of layer I were recorded in 28 pigeon optic tectum slices using micropipettes and effect of acetylcholine receptor antagonists atropine and tubocurarine on the evoked potential were analysed .

    在28例家鸽顶盖脑片上,以微电极记录电刺激顶盖I层引起的IIa-f亚层诱发电位,并观察乙酰胆碱受体拮抗剂阿托品和 箭毒对诱发电位的影响。

  • Study of mitotic effects of D tubocurarine in v_ ( 79 ) Chinese hamster cells and in mouse bone marrow cells

    d- 箭毒 V79细胞和小鼠骨髓细胞有丝分裂的影响

  • Comparison of skeletal muscle relaxing effects of gentamicin and amikacin with tubocurarine


  • Experiments were performed on 56 albino rats immobilized by tubocurarine . 88 Pain sensitive neurons responsive to noxious stimuli with a specific pattern of discharge were recorded in MRF by glass microelectrodes .

    用玻璃微电极在56只大鼠的MRF内记录了88个痛敏单位的电 活动

  • Experiments were carried out on 47 anesthetized rabbits which were paralysed with tubocurarine .

    实验在47只静脉麻醉 肌肉 麻痹的家兔上进行。