tubular flow reactor

[ˈtubjəlɚ flo riˈæktɚ][ˈtu:bjələ fləu ri:ˈæktə]

[化] 管式流反应器

  • The research progress of four kinds of continuous emulsion polymerization reactors : continuous stirred tank reactor continuous loop tubular reactor pulsed packed column and Couette-Taylor vortex flow reactor were reviewed with 14 references .

    介绍了4种主要连续乳液聚合反应器的研究新进展,包括连续搅拌釜式反应器、连续环 反应器、脉冲填料塔式 反应 及库爱特-泰勒 旋流 反应

  • The kinetics of the dimethyl ether ( DME ) synthesis from syngas containing N2 over a bifunctional catalyst of methanol synthesis catalyst and methanol dehydration catalyst have been investigated under 3-7 MPa and 220 - 260C the reactor was a tubular flow integral reactor .

    研究了由商业甲醇合成催化剂和改性分子筛脱水催化剂 混合组成的双功能催化剂上含氮合成气一步法制取二甲醚的本征动力学。实验是在3-7Mpa、 220-260℃条件下进行的。

  • Study on Flow Pattern in a Tubular Oscillatory Flow Reactor ( II ) Flow Pattern Model for High Intensity of Oscillation

    振荡 反应 的流动模式研究(II)高振荡强度下的流动模型和模拟

  • The catalytic oxidation of para-aminophenol in supercritical water with oxidation catalyst Cu ~ ( 2 + ) and oxidant H_2O_2 was investigated in a tubular continuous flow reactor at 24 ~ 30 MPa 480 ~ 500 ℃ .

    采用Cu2+为催化剂、H2O2为氧化剂,在一 连续流 反应 中进行了催化超临界水氧化对氨基苯酚实验。

  • Tubular fixed-bed reactor is widely used in the petrochemical industry the performance of tubular fixed-bed reactor is closely related with the heat transfer mode fluid flow of reaction medium and the distribution of heat in the reactor .

    列管式固定床反应器在石油化工工业中应用广泛,反应器的操作性能与其传热方式、反应介质流体 流动以及其内部温度分布密切相关。

  • The gasification of cabbage in supercritical water at 550 ℃ and 25 MPa in a tubular flow reactor was examined .

    以甘蓝为原料在盘管 流通 反应 中在550℃,25MPa超临界水条件下进行了生物质气化试验以考察H2O2浓度的影响。