


  • The tumescent technique with shunt refiller and liposuction for cervicodorsal fat pad

    应用分流注水器行肿胀麻醉及脂肪 抽吸术治疗颈背脂肪垫

  • Methods : Liposuction in73 cases was performed using external ultrasonic and tumescent techniques .

    方法:采用 肿胀 麻醉 联合体外超声对73例患者进行 吸脂术

  • Conclusion The tumescent anaesthesia is simple and effective for skin grafting . Objective To evaluate the analgesia and safety of tumescent anaesthesia in the outpatient operation .

    结论 在皮肤移植术中 应用 肿胀 技术是安全、有效、简便 可行值得 推荐的。目的探讨 外科门诊手术中肿胀麻醉的镇痛效果及安全性。

  • Methods : The liposuction mad by the American Kangyu company and Beijing Yanshan fat attracting machine were used for the tumescent liposuction with waist and abdomen .

    方法应用美国康奥公司大力士吸脂机及北京燕山公司的脂肪吸引器实施腰腹部 肿胀 麻醉吸脂手术。

  • The application of local infiltration and tumescent anesthesia in augmentation mammoplasty

    局部浸润 联合 肿胀麻醉在隆乳术中的应用

  • In the cells of gill tumescent nuclei are found .

    鳃组织中细胞核 肿胀

  • Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of external ultrasound liposuction combined with tumescent anesthesia .

    目的探讨 肿胀麻醉体外超声在抽脂术中的作用与疗效。

  • The application of tumescent technique on skin grafting

    皮肤移植术中 肿胀技术的应用

  • Tumescent Anesthesia Used in Orthopedic Surgery Under Local Anesthesia Clinical Observation


  • Methods : At the aid of tumescent technique 21 cases abdominal dermochalasis was treated with superficial liposuction .

    方法:在 肿胀麻醉下,应用深层加浅层吸脂技术治疗21例。

  • Surgical skills and effect analysis in treatment of axillary osmidrosis using tumescent suction


  • The analgesia and safety of tumescent anaesthesia in outpatient operation

    外科门诊手术中 肿胀麻醉镇痛效果及安全性分析

  • Objective : To study the clinical effect of tumescent technique in multi-position liposuction .

    目的:探讨 肿胀 局麻多部位脂肪抽吸术的临床应用价值。

  • Objective To probe clinical effectiveness of tumescent technique for skin expansion technique .

    目的:探讨 肿胀技术在皮肤 组织扩张术中的临床意义。

  • Application of tumescent anesthesia in the treatment of superficial neurofibroma


  • Conclusion Tumescent technique is effective and safe and can be applied in the treatment of obesity . Swelling Process and Water-absorbing Mechanism of Super-absorbent Resin

    结论 麻醉 满意操作 得当肿胀 吸脂术局部肥胖者的减肥是安全有效的。高吸水性树脂溶胀热力学及吸水机理

  • Conclusion Instrument for tumescent liposuction can inject continuously improve efficiency of tumescent anesthesia ;

    结论 肿胀吸脂器可以连续注液,提高肿胀麻醉工作过程的效率;

  • Results suggested that after in-patient abstinence abnormal ultrasonogram improved tumescent liver could gradually return to normality .

    结论,病人经过住院戒酒治疗后,原异常超声声象图有改善, 肿大的肝脏可逐渐恢复正常。

  • Methods Skin grafting were performed on 56 patients under tumescent technique .

    方法:对56例行皮片移植 皮瓣 转移 的患者采用 肿胀技术。

  • Objective To explore the clinical significance of injecting the tumescent fluid into the separated space in breast augmentation lift operation tissue expansion giant naevus operation .

    目的:探讨在隆乳、除皱、扩张器置入等手术中向剥离层次内注入 肿胀 的方法及其临床意义。

  • Methods 24 cases of underbelly fat accumulation underwent tumescent liposuction technique .

    方法对24例下腹部脂肪堆积症行 肿胀吸脂术治疗。

  • Objective To discuss the ultrasound differentiation value of benign and malignant superficial tumescent lymph nodes .

    目的探讨超声诊断浅表淋巴结良恶性病变的 声像图特征与 临床 实用价值。

  • Objective To explore the clinical value of the application of tumescent technique to cosmetology and plastic surgery .

    目的探讨 肿胀技术在美容整形外科的临床应用价值。

  • Application of tumescent technique around neurofibroma with skin soft-tissue expansion technique in resection of gaint epicranium neurofibroma

    磁共振扩散张量成像在诊断脑膜瘤及星形细胞瘤中的应用瘤周 肿胀技术配合皮肤软组织扩张术治疗头皮巨大神经纤维瘤

  • Objective To explore curative effect and prevention of complication of tumescent Liposuction technique .

    目的探讨 腹部 肿胀吸脂术的疗效与并发症的预防。

  • To blow swell ; with derivatives referring to various round objects and to the notion of tumescent masculinity .

    吹动,增大;有与各种圆形物体和 血气方刚的男子汉气概观念相关的派生词。

  • Clinical analysis of liposuction with tumescent anesthesia technique for the middle-aged and elderly of 800 cases

    中老年人 肿胀麻醉吸脂术800例临床分析

  • Analysis of Curative effect in 24 cases of underbelly fat accumulation underwent tumescent Liposuction technique

    下腹脂肪堆积行 肿胀吸脂术24例疗效分析

  • Tumescent technique-A new anaesthesia used in liposuction

    肿胀 &用于脂肪抽吸术的新的麻醉方法

  • Variant temperature tumescent solutions ' impact on lidocaine plasma concentration

    不同温度 肿胀 麻醉液对利多卡因血药浓度的影响