tube stand

[tub stænd][tju:b stænd]

[医] X线管支架

  • Marc software is used to conduct the FE analysis of the 3-D elastoplasticity for the purpose of simulating the deformation process of steel tube going through the 14 stand slight stretch sizing ( reducing ) mill .

    Marc软件进行三维弹塑性有限元分析,模拟 钢管通过14 机架微张力定(减)径机的变形过程。

  • Research and Production of Clad Steel Liner for Tube Hot Continuous Rolling Mill Stand

    平& 可换轧机的研制 钢管热连轧 机架耐磨复合衬板的研制

  • In order to increase reliability two pieces of the FU-104Z type tetrode tube in series were used and each tube can stand the maximum static DC voltage .

    为增加可靠性,使用两只 FU-104Z真空四极管串联,每一只均能 承受最高直流静态电压。

  • The tube tower is subject to the stand tall light structure to which small deformation and great displacement occur easily under the action of the external load . So it is necessary to calculate the strength and deflection of the tube tower .

    塔属 高耸轻型结构,在外载作用下,易发生小变形大位移,必须计算管塔强度和挠度。

  • A cylinder is a hollow tube with a closed concave base that permits it to stand upright .

    钢瓶是中空的 管道,封闭的底部是凹入的,这样可以 直立起来。

  • Based on plastic theory and a recurrence method this paper simulates the stress and strain of steel tube in SRM ( Stretch Reducing Mill ) by means of computers and simultaneously determines the front tension coefficient at each stand .

    本文将塑性理论引入,采用逐架递推法模拟了 钢管张减时的应力与应变,同时确定出各 前张力系数。

  • Anastomosis of fallopian tube under direct vision without retaining stand : Report of 277 cases

    不留 支架输卵 直视吻合术277例报告