


  • Purified Protein Derivative Tuberculin The start of proteomics is purification .

    蛋白质学的开端是蛋白质的 提纯

  • The old tuberculin test was positive in 56 % patients .

    结核菌素 皮肤 试验 OT 阳性率达56%。

  • Results The 24 cases clinical symptoms and radiography were not typical . Most of tuberculin testing were negative .

    结果24例患者临床表现、胸部X线均不典型, 结核菌素试验多为阴性。

  • Detection of serum anti PPD lgG and tuberculin test in the diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

    血清结核抗体检测及 结核菌素试验对肺结核病诊断的价值

  • Influence of using disposable syringe on the results of tuberculin test

    一次性注射器对 结核菌素试验结果影响的研究

  • Bovine ulcerative mammillitis virus tuberculin tested milk

    牛溃疡性乳头炎病毒经 结核病检验过的牛乳

  • Decreased in vitro cellular response to tetanus toxoid and tuberculin in patients using topical corticosteroids

    局部外用皮质激素患者的细胞在体外对破伤风类毒素和 结核菌素的反应性降低

  • Investigation of the tuberculin reactivity in the junior middle school students of four middle schools SIGNIFICANCE OF TUBERCULIN TEST IN THE DIFFERENTIAL DIGNOSIS BETWEEN TUBERCULOSIS AND PNEU MONOSIS

    四所中学初中生结核菌素反应性调查 结核菌素反应在结核与其它肺部疾病鉴别诊断中的意义

  • The tuberculin skin test lacks sensitivity in patients on hemodialysis . A more reliable means of screening for latent tuberculosis in this setting is needed .


  • Tuberculin tests were negative .

    10 结核菌素 PPD 试验均阴性。

  • The positive rate of PPD test was no significant difference among each year . Clinical and Epidemiological Significance of Tuberculin Reaction

    各年度结核菌素阳性率差异无显著性; 结核菌素试验的临床与流行病学意义

  • Objective Tuberculosis infection in the live monkeys was usually diagnosed by tuberculin test .

    目的 目前活检猴感染结核病的 检疫方法 只有 结核菌素 试验

  • Methods Tuberculin skin test chest X-ray examination and mycobacterium tuberculosis test were employed in combination with epidemiological investigation .

    方法采用 结核菌素试验、胸透、结核分支杆菌检查以及流行病学调查。

  • Methods Tuberculin test to middle school students was done by the criterion presented in the Practical Body Examination Handbook .

    方法根据实用体检手册标准,对中学生进行 结核菌素 试验,所 数据使用 u检验方法验证。

  • We also reassessed the booster phenomenon and the interobserver variability in tuberculin testing .

    我们也评价 结核菌素试验中的增强现象和观测者间的差异。

  • Analysis of Tuberculin Test among Chinese Students Abroad at Nanjing Port in 2008

    南京口岸2008年出国留学生 结核菌素试验结果分析

  • A complete blood count blood chemistries and tuberculin skin test should be done .

    要进行血常规、血液化学化验和 结核菌素皮肤试验。

  • Objective To study the influence of disposable syringe on the results of tuberculin test .

    目的探讨一次性无菌注射器对 结核菌素试验结果是否有影响。

  • Discussion and analysis of the experimental results of Tuberculin test for patients with lung disease at different age group

    不同年龄肺部疾病患者 结核菌素试验结果分析

  • Objective To compare enzyme-linked immunospot assay ( ELISPOT ) and tuberculin skin test ( TST ) and explore their roles in the auxiliary diagnosis of initial pulmonary tuberculosis .

    目的比较酶联免疫斑点检测(ELISPOT)和 结核菌素试验(TST),探讨ELISPOT在初治肺结核中的辅助诊断价值。

  • Results Tuberculin in students strong positive was 3.57 % positive 44.51 % negative 51.92 % .

    结果中学生 结核菌素 试验强阳性3.75%,阳性44.51%,阴性51.92%。

  • Human body affects n / med tuberculosis bacterium after period of time tuberculin can show positive reaction .

    人体感染结核菌一段时间后, 结核菌素即可显示阳性反应。

  • Purified protein derivative Tuberculin is one kind fosters filtrate to be made by n / med tuberculosis bacterium contain the albumen of n / med tuberculosis bacterium biological product that does not contain substance of n / med tuberculosis bacterium only .

    纯化蛋白衍生物 结核 杆菌 提取物 w_965 结核菌素是一种由结核菌培养滤液制成、只含结核菌蛋白、不含结核菌体的生物制品。

  • What does tuberculin experiment positive show ?


  • Purified Protein Derivative Tuberculin PURIFICATION OF A NEW RNase RNase TCS


  • Interferon-gamma release assays during follow-up of tuberculin skin test-positive contacts


  • This study suggests that the recognition of these sonographic features may be more relevant and practical than ascites fluid studies chest radiographs tuberculin skin tests and sputum cultures .

    本研究提示这些超声特征的发现要比腹水分析、胸片、 结核菌素实验和痰培养更中肯和实用。

  • The study on excited test of tuberculin in sputum macrophage of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and lung tumor


  • Methods Skin tests with autologous serum and basophil histamine-release assay ( BHRA ) were performed . A complete blood count blood chemistries and tuberculin skin test should be done .

    方法自身血清皮肤试验和嗜碱性粒细胞组胺释放试验。要进行血常规、血液化学化验和 结核菌素皮肤试验。

  • Objective To increase the exceptionally good degree of the pure tuberculin experiment ( PPD ) checkout tubercule infection under the now available condition .

    目的现有条件下提高纯 结素实验(以下简称PPD)检测结核感染的特异度。