twelve tables

[法] 十二个铜表法

  • The legal status of the possession system was first affirmed by Twelve Tables of Roman law .

    罗马《 十二 法》第一次在罗马法上确立了占有的法律地位,占有最初源于罗马市民对罗马公地的占据和使用,在早期的罗马法上,占有和所有权还没有截然对立。

  • In the twelve tables this appears of course in the reverse order .

    不言而喻,这和 十二 法上的顺序是相反的。

  • She looks after twelve to fifteen tables .

    她需要照看 12到15 桌子

  • According to the law of the twelve tables the oldest written Roman law known to us the children as natural heirs had the first title to the estate ;

    根据我们所知道的最古的罗马成文法即 十二 法,首先是子女作为直系继承人继承财产;