



  • A Trustful Routing Algorithm Based on Subjective Logic for Wireless Sensor Networks

    一种基于主观逻辑的无线传感器网络 可信路由算法

  • DNA molecular marking technique has advantages such as simply operated trustful results and seldom disturbed .

    DNA分子标记在 遗传学研究中具有操作简便、结果 可靠、不受干扰等特点。

  • Nominators shall make a trustful introduction of their nominees .

    提名人应当 如实介绍所提名的候选人的情况。

  • That day that night never forgetting your words keep submissive keep trustful and glorify the Great King in Heaven .

    那一天的那一夜,你的话语永不忘,要 顺服、要 、荣耀天上的大君王。

  • Trustful birds have built their nests .


  • By expatiation on the significance target and measures of strengthening honest and trustful education for accounting lays a solid foundation for advancing the economic society of our country and construction of harmonious accounting .

    通过对会计 行业加强 诚信教育的意义、目标、措施的阐述,进而为推进我国经济社会的发展和构建和谐会计奠定坚实的基础。

  • During the construction of harmonious relationship between teacher and student it is very important to create safe warm and trustful environment love and respect each child and satisfy their demand and provide the children with selection and decision right ;

    在构建和谐的师生关系中,创设安全、温暖、 互相 信任的环境氛围,尊重、热爱每个幼儿,满足幼儿的需要,给幼儿选择和做出决定的权利;

  • This thesis discussed in detail of the process of trustful E-commerce system based on SSL protocol and discussed the realization of safety gateway server .

    本文还论述了基于SSL协议的 可信电子商务系统的开发过程,并对安全网关服务器的实现进行了详尽的阐述。

  • In addition it is helpful for knowledge sharing contexture by building up a trustful organizational culture and adopting proper managerial system .

    此外,建立 信任的组织文化,并且在管理制度上采取适当的措施加以配合,则有利于提供组织成员健全的知识分享环境。

  • Data mining also named as KDD ( Knowledge Discovery in Database ) is an advanced process in which we can pick up many trustful novel useful and readable patterns from very large amounts of data .

    数据挖掘,也称为数据库中的知识发现(KnowledgeDiscoveryindatabase,KDD),是从大量数据中提取出 可信、新颖、有效并能被人理解的模式的高级处理过程。

  • Small children are often very trustful .

    小孩子往往轻易 信任 别人

  • Keeping a secret and doing trustful assistant of the dean ;

    保守秘密当院长 信任的助手;

  • Teacher trainers should build equal and trustful relationships with teachers use the model of reflective dialogue flexibly and give more specific and vivid instructing through involving in teachers ' classroom life .

    建议教师教育者要和教师建立平等、 信任的对话关系,灵活采用反思性对话模式,深入课堂给予教师直观的指导。

  • The relationship between government and citizens is equal trustful mutually and cooperative from the prospective of new public management .

    新公共管理要求政府与公民的关系是平等关系、相互 信任关系和良好合作关系。

  • The trustful and cooperative relationship between task-oriented organization and routine organization ought to be established in order to effectively eliminate the conflict of integration and create social stability and harmony together .

    为了 任务型组织与常规组织实现 优势 互补,应该构建 彼此之间的 信任与合作关系,有效地解决对接过程产生的 种种冲突, 依靠二者共同缔造社会的稳定与和谐。

  • Great brown eye true and trustful - Nordhoff & Hall .

    大而褐色的眼睛,真实而充满了 信任-诺德霍&霍尔。

  • You need to be in close trustful communication with the person to whom you confess .

    你需要和你所坦诚的对象有密切、 值得 信赖的联系。

  • Trustful routing algorithm based on Sybil attack for wireless sensor network

    基于Sybil攻击的无线传感器网络 可信路由策略

  • So we shall improve the quality of products and maintain the brand image which will effectively transmit reliable and trustful brand information to the customers .

    因此应该提高产品质量,维护品牌声誉,向消费者有效传达品牌可靠和 值得 信赖 方面的信息, 维持提升品牌 美誉度

  • One can 't say with any certainty that he is trustful .

    无法断言他是 值得 信赖的。

  • The Government ` s Responsibility in Building a Trustful Society

    政府在建设 诚信社会中的职责 定位

  • After long year establishment and consistent reliability we have gained trustful effective partnership with our clients and principals .

    长久的 合作 经验和严谨 认真的合作 态度,已 我们在市场上赢的了 信赖和长久持续的合作关系。

  • 103 . The exhausted man and the trustful guy thrust a knife into the rusty crust .

    103.精疲力竭的男子和 深信不疑的家伙将一把刀子刺向生锈的外壳。

  • The trustful of crisis that is in this meaning top can said Chinese nation modernity process is because of to traditional very left and coarse attitude but causable revenge .

    在这个意义上可以说,中华民族现代性过程中的 信任危机,是由于对传统的极左粗暴态度而引起的报复。

  • Well hast thou spoken sweet trustful child !

    你的声音,甜蜜, 可信的孩子!