tube drop

[tub drɑp][tju:b drɔp]

[电] 管降落

  • Larger diameter of oil tube fast drop on the temperature and slow drop on the pressure .

    油管直径越大,温度 下降越快,压力下降越慢。

  • Thirdly flow friction and characteristics of heat transfer characteristics of liquid ni-trogen boiling two-phase in Vertical circular tube is systematic studied and theoretical analyzed obtaining relationship of the friction pressure drop with heat flux mass flow rate and system pressure changes .

    对竖直圆 液氮两相流动沸腾阻力特性进行了系统的研究和理论分析,获得了摩擦压力 随着热流密度、质量流速和系统压力的变化关系。

  • The conventional method of heat transfer enhancement for turbulent flow in tube is to increase the heat transfer area but it will increase the pressure drop across the tube significantly .

    内湍流强化传热方法一般是增加壁面换热面积,但这会显著提高管内流动 阻力

  • Based on the knowledge of fly ash mechanism the spiral fin economizer is used to replace the bare tube economizer achieving the effect of flue gas emission temperature drop and economizer abrasion reduction .

    通过对飞灰磨损机理的认识,由螺旋鳍片省煤器代替光 省煤器,取得了 降低排烟温度、减轻省煤器磨损的效果。

  • This paper introduces the application of spiral finned tube in economizer of boiler and study the mechanism of gas-side heat transfer pressure drop fouling and corrosion of the economizer with spiral finned tubes .

    介绍了螺旋翅片管在电站锅炉省煤器的改造和设计中的应用情况。研究了螺旋翅片 省煤器的传热、 阻力 特性、结灰和磨损等方面的机理。

  • There were three types of temperature oscillation observed during the experiments : low width and low frequency oscillation in evaporator wall high width and high frequency oscillation in tube and sudden temperature drop during operating .

    实验观察到的温度波动主要有三种:发生在蒸发器壁面的低幅、低频温度波动;发生在 管路部分的高幅、高频波动;运行过程中温度扰动式温度 突降

  • The effects on solids holdup of heat exchanger tube bed height static pressure drop and average solids holdup of inlet chamber by superficial velocity were studied in different main distributors .

    在不同结构形式的主分布器条件下,研究了表观液速对换热 中固含率、下管箱内床层高度、静压 及平均固含率的影响。

  • Research on the Flow Field in the Exit Tube and the Mechanism of Pressure Drop Reduction in a Cyclone Separator

    旋风分离器排气 内流动分析及减 机理

  • Taking wheat as experimental material the hydromechanical characteristic of spouted bed with rotating draft tube was researched in the thesis and it included the relationship between gas velocity and pressure drop gas flow rate and wheat mass flow rate and the circulation of particles .

    以小麦为物料进行了旋转导向 喷动床空气动力学特性实验,研究了风速 压降关系,风量循环量关系,以及物料的循环运动。

  • Based on the method of energy consumption an analysis is given of the impact which the dirt growth of a tube and shell sewage heat exchanger will have on transfer intensity flow pressure drop and their energy losses .

    本文运用热力学能耗分析法,分析了 壳式污水换热器中软垢的厚度对换热强度、流动 压降及其有效能损失的影响。


    EHD效应强化 油的强制对流换热实验波纹 内强制对流换热与 阻力特性的实验研究

  • Using grid-baffles as supporting structure of the tube bandles not only can reduce the flow induced vibration but also can increase heat transfer coefficient and decrease the pressure drop .

    折流栅作为 管束的支撑结构不仅可以减轻流体诱导振动,而且可提高换热系数,降低 压降

  • The original purpose is to reduce the diameter of Guide Steam tube to simplify the structure and reduce the pressure drop of system then to uniform flow distribution .

    其本意为减小导 汽管直径,简化系统布置,减小系统 压降,增强并联 组流量分配的均匀性。

  • Venturi tube is one of key equipments in process of purification and recovery of converter gas which is used to drop temperature of converter gas with spraying jet fixed at throat of Venturi tube .

    文氏 内部的流动与传热较为复杂,不仅涉及喷淋 滴与烟气在流动过程中的相互作用,而且涉及喷淋 遇到高温烟气发生相变进行的传热传质。

  • Results The main nursing problem that appears during tracheal intubation is sputum mucous scab adhere the tracheal tube there are 13 cases of tube block . 1 example of tube drop 1 example do not form sinus and pull out tube to insert again .

    结果发现气管置管期间出现的护理问题主要是痰液黏稠结痂粘附阻塞气管套管,其中气管套管阻塞13例,气管 套管 脱落1例,1例未形成窦道拔管重插。

  • On the basis of experiment of two-phase pressure drop for air-water flow through horizontal tube the effect of mass velocity on the two-phase pressure drop is analyzed .

    在对空气-水在水平 放置 流动时的两相压降实验的基础上,分析质量流速对两相 压降的影响。

  • In an aerated spouted bed with a draft tube made of poly-methacrylate with internal diameter 92 mm the glass beads used as experimental material under the different aerating velocity the bed pressure drop and particles down moving rate in the annulus were studied .

    在直径92mm的导向 喷动床内,引入充气,对充气对喷动床环形区内颗粒床层的 压降、颗粒循环速率以及环形区内气体分布进行研究。

  • As compared with the smooth tube fin heat exchanger surface both the heat transfer and pressure drop coefficients of the heat exchanger surface increase greatly and the pressure drop increased even more .

    与光板肋片 换热芯子比较,该种换热元件的传热与 阻力都有很大提高,而阻力增加幅度更大。

  • Based on pressure drop calculation formula of single flow in horizontal tube pressure drop calculation formula are inferred for five kinds of condition .

    利用水平 中单相液流的压降计算公式,导出了流体进入水平井段5种情况下的 沿压降计算公式。

  • The flow boiling and flow condensation heat transfer coefficient of integral internal spiral fin tube is as muchas 2.5 ~ 3 times of a plain tube but the pressure drop is almost the sampe as that of a plain tube .

    整体型螺旋内翅片管用于制冷剂的管内流动沸腾与流动冷凝,其传热性能是光 的1.6~2倍,而其压力 则几乎和光管差不多。

  • On the basis of the dynamic field plant distribution model with the seed drop tube of precision planter the whole moving process of seeds on the seed drop tube was described in this paper .

    在精密播种机接输种 后田间植株分布动态模型的基础上,利用随机、统计和精密播种等理论,描述了种子在 种管内运动的全过程。

  • Using mixed tube bundle high heat transfer coefficient can be acquired as well as pressure drop not too high .

    采用混合 管束既可获得高的总传热系数和 外传热膜系数,又可以使 压降不致过大。

  • The heat transfer and flow resistance performance of heat exchangers with smooth or roughen tube bundles supported by rod or plate supports have been investigated through experiments and the curves of heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop in shell-side of these heat exchangers are obtained .

    对不同内部支承结构与 管束组合的 套管 管束换热器壳侧进行了传热与流阻性能实验研究,得到了3种换热器壳侧对流传热系数及 压降随流量变化的关系曲线。