tube flap

[tub flæp][tju:b flæp]

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  • Conclusion According to the thickness of subcutaneous fat wrist carried thoracic-abdominal tube flap together with abdominal flap and one piece of full-thickness skin graft when appropriately chosen can effectively correct the defect of whole face scar .

    结论根据患者面部皮下脂肪的多少,分别采用腕携式胸腹部联合 腹部皮瓣和胸腹部全厚皮片修复面颈部瘢痕疗效好,值得临床应用。

  • One-shot grafting of neck tube flap in repairing defects of nasal tip

    颈部皮 一次 转移法修复鼻尖 鼻翼缺损11例报告

  • Conclusions The expanded forehead flap method is the first selected method of the total nasal reconstruction the upper arm tube flap method is the available method the forearm free flap is the carefully used method .

    结论扩张后的额部皮瓣法是儿童全鼻再造的首选方法,上臂 法为备用方法,前臂游离皮瓣法为慎用方法。

  • Results : In all experimental tube flap tissues stress conditioning induced marked HSP 70 expression especially in those of 24 h and 48 h group while the HSP 70 expression in control lateral flaps was negative .

    结果:实验 组织内HSP70表达阳性,以热应激预处理后延迟24h及48h断蒂皮 的表达最强,对照侧则均呈阴性;

  • Conclusions The improved Italy method is more convenience and suit than the traditional method in the total nasal reconstruction by the method of upper arm tube flap in clinic .

    结论改良的意大利法,是一种较传统方法更方便、更适合于临床的用上臂 全鼻再造的好方法。

  • Methods The axial flap and the random tube flap ( joining the chest and abdomen ) were used to treat 8 cases of lymphedema on scrotum and legs resulting in serious pathological changes of skin .

    方法对8例阴囊及下肢淋巴水肿所致严重皮肤病变应用轴型皮瓣和任意 皮瓣(胸腹联合皮 )治疗。

  • Objective To study the efficacy of wrist carried thoracic-abdominal tube flap together with abdominal flap and one piece of full-thickness skin graft for the revision of whole face flap .

    目的探讨采用腕携式胸腹部联合皮 腹部 皮瓣和胸腹部全厚皮片修复全面部瘢痕的临床疗效。