


v.用力拉,使劲拉,猛扯( tug的现在分词 )

  • Spotting Heather 's thick leather belt he grabbed hold tugging again and again .

    他一眼看见希瑟腰间的厚皮带,立即抓住 反复 用力

  • Can you feel the fish tugging on the line ?

    你能否感觉到鱼在 鱼线吗?

  • The kitten was tugging at my shoe-lace .

    那只小猫在 我的鞋带。

  • The dark cloud writhed and twisted finally tugging free of the wall .

    黑烟翻腾着、扭动着,最后 挣脱了石墙的束缚。

  • You 're really tugging at my heartstrings here .

    你真的在这 得我心烦意乱。

  • This song is really tugging my heartstrings .

    这首歌真是 撩动我的心弦

  • She kicked him tugging his thick hair .

    她一边踢他, 一边 浓密的头发。

  • Gravity is pulling and tugging and molecules and quarks are warring inside of us .

    重力在 拉扯,分子和夸克正在我们内部对抗。

  • Cathy is tugging my arm and I know whatever I do next will make her mad forever .

    凯茜在 我的胳膊,我知道,接下来我不管做什么,都会让她永远生我的气的。

  • The music box gives out a sound that is pure and yet is capable of tugging at one 's heart strings also this sound in the box is even like a mystery .

    八音盒发出的声音单纯却能 动人的 心弦,而装这个声音的盒子更像是一个谜。

  • Tom was tugging at a button-hole and looking sheepish .

    汤姆捏住一个钮扣眼 使劲 ,样子显得很害羞。

  • He saw his mother tugging at his father 's arm pointing Bink 's way .

    他看见母亲 父亲的胳膊,朝宾克这边指来指去。

  • The baby was tugging at his coat to show that he wanted to be picked up .

    宝宝在使劲 他的衣服,表示他希望被抱起来。

  • All month your emotions may run from hot to cold and back again on all fronts for aspects will be pulling and tugging at you from different directions .

    整个月,你的情绪可能运行从热到冷和背部各方面又出来了,将拉动方面,在你从不同的方向 使劲

  • And no tugging at my clothes !

    不许 我的衣服。

  • After much tugging the rope untangled itself and straightened out .

    了好久才把缆绳解开 弄直

  • ' to the world when they are done with their chore which has all the charms of a toothless first grader tugging at his mom 's pant leg and wailing ' I cleaned my room !

    ,当它们完成自己的工作,就像一个牙都没长齐的一年级生 他妈妈的裤腿大叫,我清洁了我的房间!

  • The little girl was tugging a puppy round the lawn .

    那小女孩正 小狗绕草坪走。

  • Then I felt a familiar tugging sucking sensation on my ear .

    突入我感到了一阵熟悉的 ,耳朵上也有了 吸吮的感觉。

  • The child was tugging her toy cart round the garden .

    那个孩子绕 花园 拖拉 她的玩具车。

  • He pushed me against a wall grabbing hold of my handbag with one hand tugging at it to make me let go .

    他把我推到墙上,一只手抓住我的手提包, 使劲 ,试图让我放手。

  • Why is the little girl tugging at my sleeve ?

    小女孩为何在 我的衣袖?

  • There is nothing she said shortly tugging at his arm .

    “没什么,”她简地答道, 一面 他的胳臂。

  • For a moment they were both tugging and then the handle came off .

    她们 的, 锅子的把手就掉

  • It is difficult tugging the children round the shops with me ie because they resist .

    让我 孩子逛商店可真不易(因为 不住他们)。

  • A moving black-and-white Lockhart was tugging hard on an arm Harry recognized as his own .

    一个黑白的、会动的洛哈特正在 使劲 一只胳膊,哈利认出那胳膊是自己的。

  • They were tugging on my braid .

    他们总是 我的披肩。

  • The little boy kept tugging at her skirt .

    那个小男孩儿一直在 她的裙子。