


  • Once the tumbler has broken do not push any further and proceed to the next one and so on .


  • And her thoughtfulness ! If the night was anyway cold or wet or windy there was sure to be a little tumbler of punch ready for him .

    她多体贴啊!要是哪天夜里较阴冷、潮湿、或是刮风,她必定要 好一 混合 饮料,等着他来 畅饮

  • A bumblebee if dropped into an open tumbler will be there until it dies unless it is taken out .

    一只大黄蜂如果掉进了一个敞 平底 玻璃杯 ,除非有人把它拿出来,否则它就会一直呆在里边直到死去。

  • The results showed in the basicity range of2032 the ISO tumbler index and utilization coefficient was enhanced sintering velocity increased yield decreased with the increase of basicity .

    试验结果表明,在碱度2.0~3.2范围内,随着碱度的上升,ISO 转鼓指数上升,利用系数提高,烧结速度加快,成品率下降。

  • And he pulled out this dusty old rock tumbler .

    他拖出了一个布满灰尘的旧 磨石

  • Only drink it quick because another of these gentlemen wants the tumbler .

    只是,要快点喝因为还有别人要用 杯子

  • Linton mixed a tumbler of negus and Isabella emptied a plateful of cakes into her lap and Edgar stood gaping at a distance .

    林顿先生调了一杯 尼格斯酒,伊莎贝拉往她手里塞了满满一盘的蛋糕,埃德加张着嘴远远的看着。

  • We want to buy Glass Tumbler Set Gold and Silver Glass Set Auto Pressed and Blown Glass Products Decor Glass Plates Wine Glass .

    我们要采购玻璃 杯子组,黄金和白银玻璃组,压的汽车和吹出的玻璃产品,装饰玻璃镀金,酒杯。

  • Experiment and Practice for Improving the Tumbler Strength of Sinter

    提高烧结矿 转鼓强度的试验研究与生产实践

  • He took a tumbler from a cupboard .

    他从碗橱里拿出一只 平底 玻璃杯

  • He put down his tumbler and deliberately struck a match ; then with even greater deliberation he lit a gold-tipped cigarette .

    他放下了 玻璃杯,不慌不忙地划了一根火柴;然后他更加从容不迫地点起了一枝金纸嘴的香烟。

  • It is peter he said pouring me a massive Scotch in a cut-glass tumbler .

    “这是的,彼得”,他说着,在一个刻花 玻璃杯中给我斟了满满一杯苏格兰威士忌酒。

  • He felt so bad afterwards that he had to self-medicate with a tumbler of whisky and sleeping pills .

    事后他觉得特别不好受,只好用一 大杯威士忌和安眠药来给自己疗伤。

  • The utility model is characterized in that the modern electronic technology and the traditional toy are hung together slickly and so enlarges the appreciation area of the tumbler toy .

    其特点是,它巧妙地将现代电子技术与传统玩具结合在一起,从而扩大了 不倒翁玩具的欣赏范围。

  • Toothbrushes huddled together in a tumbler like old men at a wedding .

    挤集在 大杯中的一 牙刷,有如婚礼上的一 老头。

  • For suede leather and artificial leather sponges have to be added into the tumbler . This will intensify the brilliance of colours and the chalk effect .

    如是 绒面革或人造革在 翻滚时可加入一块海绵以增加光亮度及效果。

  • Place ice into a tumbler add Vodka and Kahlua stir .

    平底 玻璃杯中加入冰,伏特加酒。

  • Industrial Washing machine water extractor and drying tumbler .

    工业洗衣设备:工业用洗衣机,脱水机及 干衣机

  • One of the number who happened to be drinking and who caught the Doctor 's eye glaring at him through the side of his tumbler left off so hastily that he was convulsed for some moments and in the sequel ruined Doctor Blimber 's point .

    他们当中的一位正好在喝酒,当他看到博士正从他的 玻璃 酒杯旁边向他瞪着眼睛时,就急急忙忙地停止,结果痉挛了好几秒钟,并因此把布林伯博士的话头打断了。

  • The manufacture technology of the spindle system of the vacuum tumbler was one of the most important aspects for its working reliability .

    主轴系统的制作工艺 水平揉机的工作可靠性具有很大的影响。

  • Like a rock in a tumbler .

    就像 不倒翁 石块

  • A tumbler in political power struggle

    政治权力争斗中的 不倒翁

  • What 's the tumbler grading on that vault ?

    那个 阀门是什么等级的?

  • He opened a packing carton took out a cut-glass tumbler polished it with the silk handkerchief from his top pocket and poured a large measure of whisky .

    他打开了一只打包的纸箱,取出一只 杯子,并用从他西装口袋拿出的丝质手帕擦了擦,倒了一大杯威士忌。

  • A flat metal tumbler in a lever lock .


  • Tumbler : use vacuum pump to pickle meat and vegetables quickly and efficiently .

    腌肉 :真空腌制,速度快,效果好。

  • Before he had drunk his second tumbler of tea the three-horsed postcart drove up to the porch with ringing bells the wheels rattling on the frozen mud as on stones .

    他还没有喝完第二 茶,就有一辆带铃铛的三驾驿车来到大门前。 驿车车轮在冰冻的泥地上滚动,就象在石板路上那样隆隆作响。