


  • Potassium is in competition with hydrogen ion for renal tubular excretion in exchange for sodium ion .

    钾离子和氢离子在肾 小管排泄中相互竞争和钠离子交换。

  • Steam in a tubular heat exchanger was condensation .

    蒸汽在 换热器中被冷凝。

  • Lead fitting for tubular railings and structural elements

    铅配件,和于 栏杆和结构元素

  • Blood incompatibilities can also result in tubular damage and severe oliguria .

    血型不合也能导致 小管损害和严重的少尿。

  • The reinforced concrete structure and steel tubular structure are included into the laminated beam arch bridges on the basis of analysis of Bianjing Rainbow Bridge .

    在分析汴京虹桥的基础上,将叠梁拱桥扩充到钢筋混凝土结构和 钢管结构,并结合实例进一步对单孔叠梁拱桥的构造、设计、计算和施工作了研。

  • The connection of the tubular heat exchangers'Tubes-Tubesheet joints is usually adopted in the form of welding or expansion .


  • The running of a tubular belt conveyer calls for some requirements in conveyed material states and running conditions .


  • Instantaneous efficiency curves for both single evacuated tube and complete evacuated tubular collector are also tested .

    通过实验,还分别测定了单根真空管和真空 集热器的瞬时效率曲线。

  • Tubular receiver is made from steel stampings with stamped steel trigger and magazine housing below .


  • Moreover the characteristics and key points in construction of tubular rock bolt are presented in this paper .

    此外,文章还对 锚杆的特点及施工要点进行了分析和论述。

  • Furthermore glomerular damaged showed a significant correlation with tubular DNA damage in proliferative GN .

    另外,在增生性肾小球肾炎中损伤的肾小球和 小管DNA断裂显著相关。

  • In this paper the finite element method is used for overall stability analysis of tall building tubular structures .

    本文将有限元法用于高层 结构的整体稳定分析。

  • A finite element model of large combined tubular reactor with complicate structure and loads was built up .

    对结构和所受载荷都非常复杂的某大型组合 反应塔建立了有限元模型。

  • The hot spot stress ( HSS ) of completely overlapped tubular joints was investigated experimentally under combined loadings .

    通过实验研究了完全叠 接管节点试件在复合荷载作用下的热点应力。

  • An experimental installation for testing the hydraulic characteristics of intersection of smooth tubular karst passage and fissure is developed .

    研制了光滑 岩溶管道和裂隙交叉的水力特性室内试验模型。

  • Objective To establish a practical method for primary culture and identification of rat renal tubular epithelial cells .

    目的建立比较理想的大鼠肾 小管上皮细胞的原代培养及鉴定方法。

  • Research was conducted into the optimization design of stay ring structure of the bulb tubular turbine based on the analysis of finite element .

    邢伟在有限元分析的基础上,对 水轮机座环结构进行了优化设计研究。

  • Then for fatigue strength analysis local finite element models of the tubular joints are also formed .

    其次,建立了 节点结构局部有限元模型进行疲劳强度分析。

  • Thin-walled tubular parts with longitudinal inner rib can satisfy the demand .

    带纵向内筋的薄壁 件就是适应这一需要而出现的。

  • Transmission steel tubular towers have been widely applied to superhigh voltage transmission lines in China .


  • In the 1920s and ' 30s architects designed chairs made of modern materials such as tubular steel and plastic .

    1920年代和1930年代,建筑师设计的椅子是采用 钢管和塑料制作。

  • The stress concentration factor of multi-planar tubular KK-joints subjected to balanced axial loads is analyzed using finite element method .

    采用有限元法分析了空间 KK型管节点在承受平衡轴力作用下的应力集中系数。

  • The tubular furnace consumes a large amount of energy .


  • Tube bundle of tube-type heat exchanger Those catalysts are used in small tubular reactors .

    列管式换热器的管束那些催化剂用于小型 反应器。

  • The tubular reactor of Daqing naphtha pyrolyzer is simulated by a two-dimensional model .

    对大庆石脑油裂解炉反应 管用二维模型进行数学模拟。

  • The renal tubular cells appear foamy because of the accumulation of neutral fats and mucopolysaccharides .

    因为中性脂肪和粘多糖堆积,肾 小管细胞呈泡沫样。

  • Tower tubular steel structures were demolished by directional blasting under the environment of easy combustion and explosion .

    介绍了用线型聚能切割技术定向爆破拆除易燃易爆环境下高耸 钢结构物的成功经验。

  • Some problems in the design of circular tubular joints are discussed in this paper .

    本文探讨了圆 结构 节点设计中的若干问题。

  • Using newly developed filament-wound composite tubular specimens the tension-torsion biaxial loading fatigue tests were performed .

    同时设计出一种缠绕复合材料 管状试样,进行了拉扭双轴疲劳实验研究。