


  • Analysis of Influence of Blading Density Degree to Charateristics of Bidrectional Tubulous Pump

    叶栅稠密度对双向贯 泵性能影响的分析

  • Results indicated that the microstructures of lung alveoli renal tubulous liver lobules etc which could not be seen by conventional absorption X ray method but could be revealed clearly by phase contrast imaging method . The spatial resolution reached about 20 μ m.

    结果表明:相位衬 显微成像可清晰显示肺泡、肾 小管、肝小叶等微细的组织结构,其空间分辨率可达20微米,这些在常规X射线 CT吸收 成像是看不见的。

  • Application of soft start up control in oil pressure device of tubulous hydropower station

    软启动控制在 水电站油压装置中的应用

  • From the angle of universal application the basic living facility water pipe is first researched as the object of this paper . In this paper an ultraphonic tubulous water channel communication system based on OFDM is designed .

    本文从水声通信普遍性应用的角度出发,首次选用基本生活设施&水管作为研究对象,设计了一款基于OFDM的超声 管状水信道通信系统。