trust agent

[trʌst ˈedʒənt][trʌst ˈeidʒənt]


  • Lucy 's agent having complete trust in Pete 's agent in the context of the present task automatically assisted by supplying access certificates and shortcuts to the data it had already sorted through .

    路西的代理完全 信任皮特的 代理计划,在存取验证和快捷键的帮助下任务自动被排序。

  • The relation between trust and agent is now in common existence in modern enterprises .

    委托& 代理关系普遍存在于实行现代企业制度的企业中。

  • Research on the Precaution of Operational Risk in State-owned Commercial Banks under the View of Trust Agent Agreement

    国有商业银行操作风险防范的 委托- 代理视角研究

  • This paper points out the important of trust management and the methods of trust management for international forwarding agent business .

    本文分析了国际 货代业务 中诚信管理的重要性,提出加强国际货代企业诚信管理的措施和方法。

  • The A province is actual examination shows insurance agent trust agent bill discounting transfer of assets and other new business pilot is only for better operating conditions large minority small loan company .

    A省的实际审批情况显示,保险代理、 信托 代理、票据贴现、资产转让等新业务试点目前只是针对经营情况较好、规模较大的少数国有小额贷款公司。

  • As there is a trust and agent relationship among customs local government and central government seeking rent practice occurs and this encourages smuggling .

    海关及其人员和地方政府与中央政府间存在 委托 代理关系而产生寻租行为,推动了走私更加猖獗。

  • In this part the author firstly discusses the economic theoretical fundaments for the establishment and development of environmental auditing including sustainable development theory macro-cycle cost theory environmental economics theory trust and agent theory etc.

    这部分首先探讨了环境审计产生发展的经济学理论基础,包括:可持续发展理论、大循环成本理论、其它《环境经济学》理论、 委托& 代理理论等等。

  • The cost of family operation is low when the business is small it can realize the uniform and optimal of agent cost on trust and agent capacity on expertise .

    家族管理模式经营成本低,在企业规模较小时,能实现基于 信任 基础 之上的代理成本与基于专家能力 之上 代理能力的统一和最优。

  • This paper provides a means to assist the PKI user to build the certification path by using an agent . It also proposes PKI trust model based on agent and agent structure as well as the updating algorithm of certification path .

    提出了一种采用Agent辅助PKI用户获得证书路径的方法,设计了基于 Agent的PKI 信任模型及Agent内部结构,并提出了Agent的证书路径更新算法。

  • Trust Agent Costs and the Choice of Family Business

    诚信代理成本与家族企业的 经理选择

  • Applications of Trust Model in Safety Management of Mobile Agent

    信任模型在移动 代理安全管理中的应用

  • Trust agent has three problems : different benefit aims distorted information and unequal responsibility and risk .

    委托 代理关系存在着目标利益不一致、信息不对称、责任风险不对等三大矛盾。

  • We trust his coach and his agent to get the best price .

    我们 相信教练和 经济 可以争取到最好的价钱。

  • For the safety of mobile agent system the ideal situation is to make complete trust between agent and its platforms .

    要使移动代理系统安全运行,理想的状况是 代理与所运行的环境和平台之间达到一种完全 信任的状态。

  • Expanding the scope of selecting and using talent is the way to reconcile this dilemma building up a kind of management mode by professional manager on social universal trust to resolve the agent capacity problem .

    化解家族主义困境就要扩大家族企业选人用人的范围,建立一种基于社会普遍 信任的职业经理管理模式,解决家族内 代理能力不足的问题。

  • Trust - agent is the key part of the governance structure of enterprises .

    委托 代理问题是公司治理结构的核心问题。

  • Research and Optimization of Bridge Trust Model Based on Path Agent in PKI

    PKI中基于路径 代理的桥 信任模型的研究与优化

  • Firstly it introduces the present relative research theory of this field in the domestic and foreign countries and their application in state-owned commercial bank including trust agent theory motivation theory controlled by employee theory and management extent and management level management cost and efficiency .

    论文首先阐述了目前国内外相关理论的研究现状及其在国有商业银行中的应用,包括 委托 代理理论、激励理论、内部人控制、管理幅度与管理层次、管理成本与管理效率。

  • Analysis and research of multilevel trust models based on path agent in PKI

    基于路径 代理的多级 模型分析与研究

  • The new model divides cloud into several trust domains and relys on the reliable third party or domain trust agent to help cloud entities manage their trust relationships .

    该模型将云计算系统划分为若干个信任域,使用可信的第三方 信任 管理 机构或在域中设置 信任 代理的方式帮助云实体管理信任关系。

  • Trust mechanism is used by agent to find a reliable trading partner and is decision-making incentives for agent to stimulate agent to realize the agreements reached .

    信任机制被 Agent用来寻找可信赖的交易伙伴并且作为Agent决策的激励机制以激励Agent去实现已达成的协议。

  • The main isea is setting a trust agent in each domain which manages the trust value of entities .

    在每个组织域中设一个 信任 代理,用 信任 代理统一管理域内实体的信任值。

  • The thesis puts forward that legal relationship of corporate fund should be considered by levels instead of being located simply as trust or agent .

    第二章是对公司型基金法律关系的探讨,本文认为公司型基金的法律关系不应简单定性质为 信托代理,而应分层考虑。

  • A Trust Model for Agent Coalition Formation in Multi-Agent Counter Environment

    Agent对抗环境下联盟形成的 信任模型

  • By analyzing we find that there exist three problems : the fist one is the imperfection of trust and agent mechanism of property right in state-owned enterprise ;

    通过分析,发现国有企业产权改革仍存在以下三方面的问题:一是国有企业产权 委托 代理机制仍不完善。

  • It is based on trust institution in the four aspects of open ideal improve institution add trust and improve agent mechanism take suggestion to improving institutional efficiency of professional managers .

    基于制度信任,在开放理念、完善制度、增进 信任、完善 委托 代理机制等四个方面提出了提高职业经理人制度效率的对策和建议。

  • Trust Agent Theory and Stock Forward Right

    委托 代理理论和股票期权

  • Application of agency double trust - agent system and stock option mechanism & On construction of new system and new mechanism of scientific and technological result application

    中介双重 委托- 代理制与期权机制的应用&构建科技成果转化新体制和新机制