trust bonds


  • The hormone has been shown to promote trust maternal behavior and other social bonds between members of the same species but whether it acts across species had been unclear .

    这种激素被证明能促进同种群成员之间的 信任 、母性行为,以及其他社会 联系,但是还不清楚这种激素是否会在不同种群间起作用。

  • In addition to cash a trust fund may include resources such as property stocks bonds or any other type of financial instrument .

    信托基金的形式非常多样,除了现金以外还可以包括房产、股票、 债券或者其他形式的金融票据。

  • The trust companies operate as conduits raising money to invest in assets ranging from bonds and stocks to aged wine and diamonds or to making loans .

    信托公司充当桥梁的角色,将筹集到的资金投资到 债券、股票、陈年老酒以及钻石等资产,或者直接向外放贷。

  • That is The China Reinsurance Group works as sponsoring agencies and establish trust the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters of the flood assesses catastrophe risk the Centrol or Joint Advisory integrity rating the flood catastrophe bond flood catastrophe bonds issued by the Trust .

    即由中国再保险集团担任发起机构并设立 信托;由国家防汛抗旱总指挥部对洪水巨灾风险进行评估;由中诚信或联合咨询评级机构对洪水巨灾债券进行评级;由信托公司发行洪水巨灾 债券

  • But the report from the Sutton Trust education charity entitled Baby Bonds makes the case that it has an important impact on children 's future educational chances as well as their emotional well-being .

    但英国慈善教育机构萨顿 信托 基金会在题为《婴儿的情感 纽带》报告中指出,亲子关系除了会影响孩子的心态以外,还会影响他们日后的学习生活。

  • The Development of Financing Service by Commercial Banks'Collateral Trust Bonds and the Strategic Selection of China 's Finance Setup

    商业银行 证券 抵押融资业务的发展与中国金融体制的战略性选择

  • At best this will be a palliative measure . And it would not be without nasty side-effects undermining trust in money government bonds and ironically central banks .

    而且,它必然会带来危险的副作用,削弱 人们对货币、政府 债券以及中央银行本身(这颇具讽刺意味)的 信任

  • Why would bondholders who are uncertain about the future value of their bonds stop selling these when the ECB continues to signal that it does not trust these bonds either ?

    欧洲央行不断发出信号,表明它也不 相信欧元区 国债。既然如此,那些本来就对自己所持债券的未来价值充满不确定感的债券持有人,为什么要停止出售这些 债券呢?

  • We hope that our compatriots on both sides of the Straits will continue to strengthen mutual understanding and trust deepen their bonds of kinship bring hearts and minds closer together and work together to achieve China 's peaceful reunification .

    我们期待两岸同胞不断增进了解 互信,密切骨肉 亲情,拉近心理距离,为实现祖国和平统一贡献力量。

  • The CITIC ( China International Trust & Investment Corporation ) issued bonds to collect ten billion Japanese Yen in January 1982 which started the process of the internationalization of China 's security market .

    1982年1月, 中信公司在日本发行100亿日元 债券,揭开了中国证券市场开放的序幕。

  • We trust it will strengthen human bonds and encourage cooperation between countries and individuals .

    我们 相信,它必将成为拉紧人类社会的 纽带,激励着不同国家和民众之间展开更多的合作与交往。